A Python library to communicate with the WebNowPlaying-Redux browser extension.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python library to communicate with the WebNowPlaying-Redux browser extension.

Refer to this if you want to create or submit your own adapter.


Install via pip: pip install pywnp


from pywnp import WNPRedux
import time

# Custom logger, type can be 'Error', 'Debug' or 'Warning'
def logger(type, message):
  print(f'{type}: {message}')

# Start the WebSocket, providing a port, version number and a logger
WNPRedux.Initialize(1234, '1.0.0', logger)

# Write the current title to the console and pause/unpause the video for 30 seconds
for i in range (30):

# Close the WebSocket

WNPRedux.Initialize(port, version, logger, loopback = '')

Opens the WebSocket if it isn't already opened.
port should not be used by other adapters already, or interfere with any other programs.
version has to be 'x.x.x'.


Whether the WebSocket is initialized or not

WNPRedux.Log(type, message)

Calls the logger provided in WNPRedux.Initialize()


Closes the WebSocket if it's opened.


A set of connected clients, useful with len(WNPRedux.clients) to see if there are any active connections.


Information about the currently active media.

Name Default Description
Player '' Current player, e.g. YouTube, Spotify, etc.
State 'STOPPED' Current state of the player ('STOPPED', 'PLAYING', 'PAUSED')
Title '' Title
Artist '' Artist
Album '' Album
CoverUrl '' URL to the cover image
Duration '0:00' Duration in (hh):mm:ss (Hours are optional)
DurationSeconds 0 Duration in seconds
Position '0:00' Position in (hh):mm:ss (Hours are optional)
PositionSeconds 0 Position in seconds
PositionPercent 0.0 Position in percent
Volume 100 Volume from 1-100
Rating 0 Rating from 0-5; Thumbs Up = 5; Thumbs Down = 1; Unrated = 0;
RepeatState 'NONE' Current repeat state ('NONE', 'ONE', 'ALL')
Shuffle False If shuffle is enabled


Events to interact with the currently active media.
This isn't guaranteed to always work, since e.g. Spotify has no 'dislike' button,
skip buttons might be disabled in certain scenarios, etc.

Name Description
TogglePlaying() Pauses / Unpauses the media
Next() Skips to the next media/section
Previous() Skips to the previous media/section
SetPositionSeconds(seconds) Sets the medias playback progress in seconds
RevertPositionSeconds(seconds) Reverts the medias playback progress by x seconds
ForwardPositionSeconds(seconds) Forwards the medias playback progress by x seconds
SetPositionPercent(percent) Sets the medias playback progress in percent
RevertPositionPercent(percent) Reverts the medias playback progress by x percent
ForwardPositionPercent(percent) Forwards the medias playback progress by x percent
SetVolume(volume) Set the medias volume from 1-100
ToggleRepeat() Toggles through repeat modes
ToggleShuffle() Toggles shuffle mode
ToggleThumbsUp() Toggles thumbs up or similar
ToggleThumbsDown() Toggles thumbs down or similar
SetRating(rating) Sites with a binary rating system fall back to: 0 = None; 1 = Thumbs Down; 5 = Thumbs Up