Student ID: SLAE-1530
Demonstrate egg hunter technique without code execution. When an egg is found in memory it will dump memory content at given location.
gcc egg-principle.c -o egg-principle
(!) Requires ASLR to be disabled.
Instead of dumping memory content, when our egg is found in memory it will redirect execution flow to our embeeded shellcode.
gcc egg-shellcode-embedded.c -o egg-shellcode-embedded -z execstack -no-pie -fno-stack-protector
(!) Requires ASLR to be disabled.
gcc egg-vulnerable-server.c -o egg-vulnerable-server -z execstack -no-pie -fno-stack-protector -pthread
The server will run and wait for commands from connected client.
chmod +x && ./
This python script exploit vulnerable server in two phases.
First phase writes our second and bigger shellcode in process memory.
Second phase exploit buffer overflow present in ExploitMe()
function to write and execute our egg hunter shellcode configured to search our second shellcode payload.
We choose egg!
as our egg pattern which preceed our shellcode.
You can replace the shellcode
variable with any compatible shellcodes. Don't forget to prepend your shellcode with the correct egg pattern value.
Current shellcode will display content of /etc/passwd
You can generate your own egg hunter shellcode using Metasploit:
msf-egghunter -f python -e egg! -v egg_hunter -p linux -a x86