Codes of SeCA accompanying the paper "Sequential Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning"(AAMAS 2023). SeCA is a sequential credit assignment method that factorizes and simplifies the complex interaction analysis of multi-agent systems into a sequential evaluation process for more efficient learning.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Code for SeCA

This instruction hosts the PyTorch implementation of SeCA accompanying the paper "Sequential Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning" (AAMAS 2023, Link). SeCA is a sequential credit assignment method that factorizes and simplifies the complex interaction analysis of multi-agent systems into a sequential evaluation process for more efficient learning.

The implementation is based on the PyMARL framework and SMAC. All of our SMAC experiments are based on the latest PyMARL utilizing SC2.4.6.10. The underlying dynamics are sufficiently different, so you cannot compare runs across various versions.


Set up the working environment:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Set up the StarCraftII game core (SC2.4.6.10):

bash install_sc2.sh


To train SeCA on the 2s3z scenario,

python3 src/main.py --config=seca --env-config=sc2 with env_args.map_name=2s3z

Change the map_name accordingly for other scenarios (e.g. 1c3s5z). All results will be saved in the results folder.

The config file src/config/algs/seca.yaml contains default hyperparameters for SeCA.



One could set use_tensorboard to True in src/config/default.yaml, and the training tensorboards will be saved in the results/tb_logs directory, containing useful info such as test battle win rate during training.

Saving models

Same as PyMARL, set save_model to True in src/config/default.yaml and the learnt model during training will be saved in results/models/ directory. The frequency for saving models can be adjusted by setting the parameter save_model_interval.

Loading models

Saved models can be loaded by adjusting the checkpoint_path parameter in src/config/default.yaml. For instance, to load model under path result/model/[timesteps]/agent.th, set checkpoint_path to result/model/[timesteps].

Saving Starcraft II Replay

The learned model loaded from checkpoint_path can be evaluated by setting evaluate to True in src/config/default.yaml. To save the Starcraft II replays, please make sure configure save_replay is set to True, and use the episode_runner.

Check out PyMARL documentation for more information.

See Also

See SMAC and PyMARL for additional instructions.