
Various LS2-related Scripts

Primary LanguageLua

Various LS2-related Scripts

This scripts was used by me to aid me making beatmaps. I think this is gonna helpful to people who need it.

All files except ls2.lua and JSON.lua are released under public domain. Check ls2.lua and JSON.lua for their license terms respectively.

Note that all this scripts must be run under this directory because how Lua require search for files.


Automatically generates token notes. Reads and writes SIF-compilant JSON-encoded beatmap from stdin to stdout respectively.

Usage: livesim2.exe -dump -play <beatmap> | lua autotoken.lua <amount of token to add> > output.json


Dumps all custom units image (UIMG chunk in LS2) to a directory.

Usage: lua dump_uimg.lua <input LS2> <output directory>

output directory must exist beforehand!


This is jf-JSON.


This is Live Simulator: 2 v2.0 beatmap parser and writer.


Given a directory, this will convert DEPLS folder-based beatmap to single-file .ls2 v2.0 beatmap.

The folder must contain .ls2_create.json. An example .ls2_create.json can be found here.

Usage: lua ls2_pack.lua <DEPLS-project folder> <output.ls2>


Converts my custom notated lyric to SRT file which can be parsed by LS2 as lyric file. Note that SRT lyric file is only supported in LS2 v3.0.5 and later.

The resulting SRT file is written to stdout. The file name must be lyrics.srt to be recognized by LS2.

Usage: lua lyrics2srt.lua input.txt > lyrics.srt

Example input.txt is provided, check lyrics.txt.


Same as above, but converts it to YAML storyboard instead of lyrics file. This is only used for my Time Lapse beatmap video.

Usage: lua lyrics2yamlstory.lua input.txt > storyboard.yaml