
This Pygame Module Will Help You To Make Entry Box in pygame Very Easily

Primary LanguagePython


This Pygame Module Will Help You To Make Entry Box in Pygame Very Easily

Entry Types Supported :

. Alphabetic Entry
. AlphaNumeric with Special Characters Entry
. Numeric Entry
. Phone Number Entry
. Password Entry

Module Name entrybox.py

class name inside module "entrybox.py" >>> Entry

How to Use

import entrybox
import pygame

screen = pygame.display.set_mode(300,400)
entry = entrybox.Entry(screen)


// gameloop
entry.update() or If you want to update all the entries you can use entrybox.Entry.update_all()

To learn more see demo.py file


Attributes of Module:

screen : Where You Want To Blit Your Entry
font : Which type of font you want in your Entry text (by default uses System Default Font)
text : By default Set to None in case you want some text in your entry in starting you can change it
width,height : size of your entry (by default set to 100,20)
left,top : left and right position of your entry (by default set to 0,0)
activecl : active color of your entry when entry touches the cursor (by default nickle_grey)
inactivecl : inactive color of your entry when entry not touches the cursor or entry is selected (by default platinum)
depth : depth of the entry (by default set to 0)
edge : edges of the entry (by default value is a tuple -> (0,0,0,0) {bottom_right,top_left,top_right,bottom_left})
staticalpha : alpha value of the entry when not selected (by default set to 255)
dynamicalpha : alpha value of the entry when selected (by default set to 255)
textcl : text color of the entry
cursorcl : cursor color of entry
show : If you want to hide the main text and show some other text like you do in passwords *** in this manner you can change its value by default it is set to None
lock : It you want to make Password Type Entry set lock = True (by default set to False)\

type : Supported type ("alnum","alpha","digit","phone") In which type you want your entry (by default set to "alnum")

limit : To limit the characters of your entry (by default set to -1)
msg : In case your want to show Any Message when your Entry is empty (by default No Msg)

mindigvalue,maxdigvalue : Supports only when entry is "digit" type In case if you want to set the range of entry then use these attributes e g. Date,Month,Year

blink : If set to True the cursor will blink (by default set to False)
lock_open_img : If You set lock attribute to True and you want to show your lock open image use this attribute attribute takes a tuple -> ("image path","image name","image extention")
lock_img : If You set lock attribute to True and you want to show your lock image use this attribute attribute takes a tuple -> ("image path","image name","image extention")

If You Are Not Downloading The Whole Package We Prefer You to download the two given images "eye.png" and "eye_lock.png" and put these images in the directory where your put the Module File.