This is an application to analyse covid-19 trends to date. It includes statistics, history and a list of countries available in the application. The app uses react for it's front-end and the Covid-19 api from rapid-api.



Table of Content


This is a website displaying Covid-19 statistics in various countries around the world in a table. The app also renders Covid-19 history in a specific country on a graph upon selection.

Behaviour of the website


  • The website is visually appealing.
  • This is a single page website.
  • Upon loading the application renders Covid-19 statistics of all available countries on a table.
  • By default the app renders Covid-19 history in Afghanistan.
  • On change of selection the app re-renders the graph to show history of the selected country and the table shows statistics in the selected country.

Development and Setup.


  • First clone the project to your computer. git clone <repo url> or move to where the app folder is.
  • Ensure you have text editor such as Vs code installed.
  • Extract the files and open them in the editor.
  • Run npm install to install dependencies.
  • Run npm start to run the react application.

Technology and Tools Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS5 - styling the application
  • React Js - logic of the application
  • Git - Version control
  • Vs code- Code editor