REALTY - Visit Realty

Realty is a proof of concept solution for crypto-based real estate purchase/payments with stablecoins. It builds on the idea of having another option for asset listing, investment, saving and payments in the real-estate ecosystem aside fiat currency.

Project track

  • NFT and Defi Track
    • Stablecoins can be used for asset payments and listing, current support is only our test coin — TUSDT which you can request for from any team member. Further development of the project for mainstream usage will involve mainnet stablecoins like USDT, DAI etc.

    • NFTs are used for verifying listed assets authenticity on Realty and also as proof of ownership of an asset within Realty.

Project Video Demo


Contract Flow

  • listProperty : to submit an asset for listing
  • approval : this should be done right before listProperty to give allowance to the Realty contract to transfer 0.5 of the stablecoin to Realty as a listing fee.
  • minfNFT : to mint an NFT for the submitted property and thereby publiclly listing the asset for viewing and purchase by everyone.
  • payForProperty : to pay for a particular property and have it's NFT transferred to you.
  • addPropertyToSavingVault : Unable to pay upfront, add listed property to savings vault for instalmental savings.
  • Deposit: sends a given amount of token to the contract. Tokens gets accumulated in order to amount to product price.
  • Withdrawal: occurs once total savings equals product price. User withdrawals property price into wallet address for property purchase.

Using the dApp

  • Connect Metamask(on Mumbai testnet)
  • Visit Featured Properties from the navbar to see the available assets that have been listed.
  • Click List Property on the navbar to list asset.
  • DM us with your address for TUSDT needed to test listing on the dapp.
  • Approve realty to list your asset for your price
  • Fill the listing form and List your asset
  • Mint an NFT for the asset right after you've submitted the asset for listing.
  • Check Featured Properties to view your publicly listed asset.
  • Click on Save to buy to add a listing to your savings vault.
  • Click deposit, to deposit token amount into user vault.
  • Click on withdraw to withdraw all tokens saved on a particular listing.
  • Click on remove from vault to remove a listing from your vault, you can only remove a listing from vault after withdrawing all the tokens saved on it.

Tools Used

  • Solidity
  • Hardhat
  • Openzeppelin contracts — ERC721.sol, ERC721URIStorage.sol, IERC20.sol
  • JavaScript
  • React js.
  • Ethers.js
  • Polygon (mumbai) chain
  • Chakra UI
  • IPFS via Web3.Storage
  • Spheron


To run locally :

  git clone
  npm install
  npm start


  yarn install
  yarn start

To test contract

npx hardhat node
npx hardhat compile
npx hardhat test