
Allow the customer to choose some products to compare inside the catalog. Lot of configuration are available

Page with standard option

  • index page
  • categories page
  • favorites page
  • featured page
  • products new page
  • specials page
  • products listing page
  • products search page
  • products compare page

inside the module products compare pages you have lotof options

  • display stock
  • display weight
  • display minimum order
  • display short description
  • display price
  • display producs name
  • display products image
  • Multitemplate ...

This module contains

  • The language files in English and French
  • The css file in French and English
  • The modules

Technical Prerequisites: None

License : GPL 2 - MIT


  • Compatibility: >= version 3.0
  • Multi languages

Recommendation and documentation specific use : The modules are installed in the Default template. If you have another template, you must copy the files inside your new template.

Important note : Before to activate the modules, you must remove the old activated in Design section about these modules


  • Download the module on the markeplace
  • Copy all directories inside Shop except ModulesInfosJson
  • Copy the modules_products_compare.json into ClicShopping/Work/Cache/Github (manual installation)

Important activation

  • Activate Layout / Left and Right boxe : Product comparison (boxes)
  • Activate Configuration / SEO / Social networking / Meta Modules / Products comparison (very important)
  • Activate Design / Listing / Products Comparison the module (very important)

Remove inside Design menu this modules

  • Store index & categories / Home / products news
  • Store index & categories / Categories / products news
  • Listing / favorites
  • Listing / featured page
  • Listing / products new page
  • Listing / specials page
  • Listing / products listing page
  • Listing / products search page

Reinstall with comparison page

  • Store index & categories / Home / products news comparison
  • Store index & categories / Categories / products news comparison
  • Listing / favorites
  • Listing / featured page
  • Listing / products new page
  • Listing / specials page
  • Listing / products listing page
  • Listing / products search page

Marketplace :

All informations about the ClicShopping

Community :

Software :

Official add on :

Community add on :

trademark License info :
