
Docker Compose script for setting up a container suitable for running the Atavism server in.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Atavism server built with Docker Compose

This is a basic Atavism Docker environment built using Docker Compose. It consists following:

  • OpenJDK8
  • MySQL 5.7
  • phpMyAdmin


Clone this repository on your local computer.

git clone https://github.com/DarkLotus/atavism-docker
cd atavism-docker/
git fetch --all
git checkout master
docker-compose up -d

Extract your server files to the 'atavism_server' folder. Change the following:

  • database hostname to 'mysql:3306'
  • database password to 'tiger' in auth.properties and world.properties.

Follow below instructions for phpmyadmin access to upload your database contents.


phpMyAdmin is configured to run on port 8080. Use following default credentials.

username: root
password: tiger

Connect via SSH

You can connect to web server using docker exec command to perform various operation on it. Use below command to login to container via ssh.

docker exec -it atavism-2019.1.2 /bin/bash

Once connected you can run your server by running:

cd /root/bin
./auth.sh -vC start
./world.sh -vC start

Docker should auto start these but my docker skills have not worked that out yet.

To shut down run docker-compose down

Connecting to your server

Connecting is the same as if you were running the server on your machine. so localhost for the host name in the Unity Editor.