GH Medic app

Flutter challenge for GH Medic consuming API REST

Getting Started

This project is using Flutter 2.2.1 with null safety, for more info visit:


  • All the code is required for run the app

  • Need to have a phone with android / iOS or an Android Emulator | iOS Emulator


  • Clone this repo to your local machine using


  1. Clone the repository, and enter to folder
$ git clone

$ cd ghmedic
  1. Now update all the flutter packages
$ flutter pub get
  1. And now you're ready to run the app
$ flutter run

Packages (Null Safety Ready)

  • In StateManagement, the easiest way (for me) is using GetX, GetX was used for dependency injection, state management and UI tools.

The Plugin is:

get: at version 4.1.4.

* For consuming HTTP/HTTPS services, the best (at least for me), the reliable old is Dio.

The Plugin is:

dio: at version 4.0.0.

* For local storage, the winner in most of the cases, Hive (unused at this moment).

The Plugin is:

hive: at version 2.0.4.