
Flutter app for CRUD Operations consuming Laravel API in Heroku

Primary LanguageDart

OceanNet App

Flutter Challenge for Ocean Pacific

Ocean Workers!

GET ALL GET::users/ GET ONE GET::users/{id} POST POST::users
DELETE DELETE::users/{id} PUT GET::users/{id} Coming soon gif of the app


  • All the code is required for run the app

  • Need to have a phone with android version connected or an Android Emulator


  • Clone this repo to your local machine using https://github.com/DarkMarksDoe/oceannet_app


clone the repositor, and enter to folder

$ git clone https://github.com/DarkMarksDoe/oceannet_app.git

$ cd oceannet_app

now update all the flutter packages

$ flutter pub get

and now youre ready to run the app

$ flutter run


For request location permissions and get latitude and longitude, i used the classic.

geolocator at version 6.1.13.

In StateManagement, the easiest way (for me) is using Provider, provider was used only for update values of the list of pokes.

The Plugin is:

provider: at version 4.3.2+4.

For consuming HTTP/HTTPS services, the best, the reliable old is http.

The plugin is:

http: at version 0.12.2.

For create a nice view of DateTime, I use this package.

The plugin is: intl at version 0.16.1.

We need to give some information to the user, for this we can use a lot of widget types, in this case, a way used in native android, "Toast", in flutter is called `Flutter Toast`.

The plugin is: fluttertoast at version 7.1.6.