Groups-9 Project2 Part 1
Steps to execute the project (On a Unix machine)
Navigate to the folder containg the source file and type the following commands.
make mod-v6
Then give inputs as desired. Here is an example of a sequence of commands that could be given:
openfs filesys
initfs 100 50
You should see a file with the given filename in the openfs command, in the same directory after the program has completed executing.
Steps to execute the project (On a windows command prompt)
- Go to the file location
- run g++ -o result mod-v6.cpp //you can replace result with a word of your choice
- run ./result to start
You should see the below message once you start the program succesfully:
Welcome User! You can exit anytime by typing q You cannot give initfs before a valid openfs command is given You can give the following commands to try this program. Order needs to be followed
- openfs //filename should not be an existing file name
- initfs n1 n2 //where n1 and n2 need to be positive integers, invalid n1 and n2 values will lead to error
- openfs //and try initfs n1 n2 again for your new file
- q //or q to quit Enter user command!)