
A Java implementation of Jeopardy, created for SOFTENG 206 Assignment 2.


  • Play user-defined categories and questions
  • Amazing interface
  • Cross-platform support
  • Text-to-speech support for reading questions and saying answers (espeak must be in PATH)
  • Resizable and draggable window
  • Dynamic positioning of categories (try resizing the window)
  • Mini-game inspired by the Chrome Dino game

Categories & Questions

The game reads categories from a ./categories folder (relative to the current working directory).

Inside this folder, there should be one or more files which are named as their category.
Example: ./categories/animals is the animals category.

Each file is in a CSV format without a header row. The format is value,question,answer.
Example: 100,The national symbol of New Zealand,Kiwi.

Changes to categories and questions will not be processed until the game is reset.


Java 8+ JavaFX (bundled with Java 8, download required for Java 9+).


Download the latest compiled release. Then run java --module-path /path/to/javafx/lib/ --add-modules javafx.controls -jar jeopardy.jar.

Don't have JavaFX? Check out jfxRunner, which seamlessly deals with JavaFX for you. Just run java -jar jfxrunner.jar jeopardy.jar (you might have to wait for a moment while JavaFX is downloaded!).


Question selection menu question selection menu

Answering a question answering a question

Whoops, wrong answer! wrong answer