
Out of box gRPC service generated framework & tool set

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

DarkMetrix Gofra

Don't reinvent the wheel, just realign it.

It's famous in IT industry and I'm quiet a believer of that.

Gofra is a framework and tool set helps to easily generate gRPC service in Go.

All the tools and libraries are open sourced, you could use it out of box.


First Google's Protocol Buffers Version 3 is required to be installed.

Second golang/protobuf is also needed to be installed to generate gRPC service from *.proto file.

Then install Gofra

$ go get -u github.com/DarkMetrix/gofra/gofra


Creating a Service Template

Now gofra used go module, so you need to update your Go version up to at least v1.11

Notice: 'gofra' should be running under the same directory with template.json, except 'gofra template init' command

First initialize default template file as below.

$ gofra templates init

You need to type Author Name, Project Name, Project Address & Server Type.

A template.json file will be generated in the current directory which looks like this.

        "init_param":"\"\", \"test_gofra\""
        "init_param":"\"\", \"test_gofra\""
Json object Value Remark
author Author's name User defined
project Project's name User defined
version Version User defined
type Type grpc or http
server.addr Service's ip and port User defined
monitor_package.package Monitor package import path used in the service(by default statsd is used as the monitor backend), you could write your own monitor package as long as you implement Init & Increment interfaces Pre defined
monitor_package.init_param Monitor params used by Init method(it's the statsd address and project name used in your environment) Pre defined
Tracing_package.package Tracing package import path used in the service(by default jaeger is used as the monitor backend), you could write your own tracing package as long as you implement Init interface Pre defined
Tracing_package.init_param Tracing params used by Init method(it's the jaeger address and project name used in your environment) Pre defined
Interceptor_package.monitor_package Monitor gRPC interceptor(by default statsd is used as the monitor backend) Pre defined
Interceptor_package.tracing_package Tracing gPRC interceptor(by default jaeger is used as the tracing system) Pre defined


gRPC Service Generation

$ gofra init --path=./templates.json

All files needed are generated.

|-- api
|   `-- protobuf_spec
|       |-- health_check
|           |-- health_check.pb.go
|           `-- health_check.proto
|-- build
|-- cmd
|   `-- main.go
|-- configs
|   |-- config.toml
|   `-- log.config
|-- go.mod
|-- internal
|   |-- app
|   |   `-- application.go
|   |-- grpc_handler
|   |   |-- HealthCheckService
|   |       |-- HealthCheck.go
|   |       `-- HealthCheckService.go
|   `-- pkg
|       |-- common
|       |   `-- common.go
|       `-- config
|           `-- config.go
|-- log
`-- templates.json

Add or Update Services

By default a health check service is generated.

And you could add your own service, e.g.:

Write user.proto

syntax = "proto3";

package user;

// The user service definition.
service UserService {
  rpc AddUser (AddUserRequest) returns (AddUserResponse) {}

message AddUserRequest {
    string name = 1;

message AddUserResponse {
    string name = 1;

Add Service

$ gofra service add --path=./user.proto

Then a directory UserService & two files AddUser.go and UserService.go are generated.

And generated user.proto and user.pb.go file will be copied to api/protobuf_spec/user directory.

$ tree

|-- api
|   `-- protobuf_spec
|       |-- health_check
|       |   |-- health_check.pb.go
|       |   `-- health_check.proto
|       `-- user
|           |-- user.pb.go
|           `-- user.proto
|-- build
|-- cmd
|   `-- main.go
|-- configs
|   |-- config.toml
|   `-- log.config
|-- go.mod
|-- internal
|   |-- app
|   |   `-- application.go
|   |-- grpc_handler
|   |   |-- HealthCheckService
|   |   |   |-- HealthCheck.go
|   |   |   `-- HealthCheckService.go
|   |   `-- UserService
|   |       |-- AddUser.go
|   |       `-- UserService.go
|   `-- pkg
|       |-- common
|       |   `-- common.go
|       `-- config
|           `-- config.go
|-- log
`-- templates.json

Update Service

You could update the service if the pb file has been updated, such as adding a new RPC to the UserService.

The only difference between add and update is update won't override the file already exist.

Using add command, a --override=true flag will help to override all the files generated about the pb file.

Implement RPC Methods

After add or update service, all the thing left is to implement your own business logic.

All basic logging, metrics, tracing, panic recovery have been already integrated by gRPC interceptor.


You do not need to do anything about this file, just leave it.

 * Author : foo
 * Time : 2018-03-26 23:04:23

package UserService

// Implement UserService interface
type UserServiceImpl struct{}


Implement your own business logic.

 * Author : foo
 * Time : 2018-04-01 02:26:20

package UserService

import (

        // log package
        // log "github.com/cihub/seelog"
        // monitor package
        // monitor "github.com/DarkMetrix/gofra/pkg/grpc-utils/monitor/statsd"
        // tracing package
        // opentracing "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go"
        pb "github.com/DarkMetrix/gofra/tmp/demo/src/proto/user"

func (this UserServiceImpl) AddUser (ctx context.Context, req *pb.AddUserRequest) (*pb.AddUserResponse, error) {
       // log.Infof("====== AddUser start ======")

        resp := new(pb.AddUserResponse)
        return resp, nil

Compile and Run


$ cd cmd
$ go build -o ../build/test_gofra


$ cd ../build
$ ./test_gofra

====== Server [test_gofra] Start ======
Listen on port [:58888]

Test using BloomRPC

Send request via BloomRPC


Service output

[DEBUG][2020-03-11T23:17:44.096220][test_gofra][seelog_interceptor.go:53][GofraServerInterceptorFunc] => handle success! req=message:"Hello" , reply:


Dockerfile Generation

$ gofra docker generate

A Dockerfile is generated within the same directory as template.json.

FROM centos:latest

COPY ./build /app/test_gofra/bin/
COPY ./configs /app/test_gofra/configs/

WORKDIR /app/test_gofra/bin

ENTRYPOINT ["./test_gofra"]


Deployment YAML Generation

$ gofra kube deployment

You need to type the image name used.

Then A simple ./kubernetes/deployment.yml is generated.

# API version
apiVersion: apps/v1

# resource type
kind: Deployment

# metadata of the deployment
  name: test_gofra
    app: test_gofra
    version: v1

# specification
  # replica number to run
  replicas: 1

      app: test_gofra
      version: v1

  # using this templates to create pod
        app: test_gofra
        version: v1

        - name: test_gofra
          image: test_gofra:v1
            - containerPort: 58888
      restartPolicy: Always

  # More features and details, please visit
  #     'https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.17/'
  # to get more information, this URL is for kubernetes v1.17 only

Service YAML Generation

$ gofra kube service

A simple ./kubernetes/service.yml is generated.

# API version
apiVersion: v1

# resource type
kind: Service

# metadata of the service
  name: test_gofra

# specification
  type: ClusterIP

    - name: http
      port: 58888
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 58888

    app: test_gofra

  # More features and details, please visit
  #     'https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubernetes-api/v1.17/'
  # to get more information, this URL is for kubernetes v1.17 only

Configmap Shell Script Generation

$ gofra kube configmap

Then a ./kubernetes/configmap.sh file is generated.


case $1 in

  echo "configmap 'configmap-test' creating..."
  kubectl create configmap configmap-test --namespace='' --from-file=../configs

  echo "configmap 'configmap-test' deleting..."
  kubectl delete configmap configmap-test --namespace=''

  echo "configmap 'configmap-test' creating..."
  kubectl create configmap configmap-test --namespace='' --from-file=../configs

  echo "configmap 'configmap-test' deleting..."
  kubectl delete configmap configmap-test --namespace=''

  echo "configmap 'configmap-test' getting..."
  kubectl describe configmap configmap-test --namespace=''

  echo "no command found! command list [create, update, delete, get]"



Virtual Service YAML Generation

$ gofra istio virtual-service

A simple ./istio/virtual-service.yml is generated.

apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
  name: test_gofra

    - test_gofra            # hosts will be interpreted as ${hosts}.${k8s-namespace}.svc.cluster.local in k8s environment
    - route:
      # destination works with host and subset defined in destination rule
      # if using destination rule to manage traffic policy, then you could use subset to manage route rule
      - destination:
          host: test_gofra # host will be interpreted as ${hosts}.${k8s-namespace}.svc.cluster.local in k8s environment
          subset: v1

      timeout: 2s

      # destination works with host and port
      #- destination:
      #    host: test_gofra  # host will be interpreted as ${hosts}.${k8s-namespace}.svc.cluster.local in k8s environment
      #	  port:
      #	    number: 58888 # port defined in kubernetes service

      # retry setting, use it as business needs
      #  attempts: 2
      #  perTryTimeout: 2s

      # There's a lot of features, such as traffic mirroring, weighted routing etc.

  # More features and details, such as:
  #     CORS Policy
  #     HTTP Fault Injection
  #     HTTP Match, Redirect, Retry, Rewrite, Route, Headers
  #     TPC Route
  #     Route Destination
  #     TLS setting
  #     ...
  # Please visit
  #     'https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/virtual-service/'
  # to get more information

Destination Rule YAML Generation

$ gofra istio destination-rule

A simple ./istio/destination-rule.yml is generated.

apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: DestinationRule
  name: test_gofra
  host: test_gofra # host will be interpreted as ${hosts}.${k8s-namespace}.svc.cluster.local in k8s environment

  # traffic policy setting
      simple: ROUND_ROBIN

  # subsets definition
    - name: v1        # subset name, it could be used in virtual service to define routing rule
        version: v1   # all traffic from subset v1 will be routed to application with v1 label

  # More features and details, such as:
  #     Connection Pool
  #     Load Balancer
  #     Outliner Detection
  #     TLS setting
  #     ...
  # Please visit
  #     'https://istio.io/docs/reference/config/networking/destination-rule/'
  # to get more information



MIT license


Tools used

BloomRPC Postman