
Well this is a pizza app

Primary LanguagePython

She Said Pizza

It's a simple pizza ordering app

Technologies used

  • Python backend
  • Django web framework
  • Sqlite database current development


Clone this repo to your machine. We need to create a virtual environment in our copy of the repository, so that the technologies you download to make Instagram Miner work don't interfere with any other technologies you may have installed on your computer. Make sure that the virtual environment is in the parent directory(ehere the requirements.txt is there)

step 1 : $ virtualenv env
step 2 : Next, type $ source env/bin/activate to create a "bubble" around the workspace.
For Windows type env\Scripts\activate
To deactivate type deactivate
step 3:

We now need to install all the libraries and technologies that appear in the file requirements.txt. From the MyPizzaz/ directory (which you should still be in), simply type the following into your Terminal:

(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

step 4: Make Migrations

> py manage.py makemigrations > py manage.py migrate

step 5: Create Superuser

> py manage.py createsuperuser

step 6: Run Development Server

> py manage.py runserver

step 7: Add Data In Admin Page

add the pizzaas in your store

step 8: Go To URL

Created By