Elite Dangerous - Project Code Name 'Open BGS'


  • Web based application to track the BGS and squadron BGS activities
  • BGS records and activities are retained for 90 - 360 days.
  • Tracking is based on the Frontier 'CAPI' journal import. All data comes from FDev servers, journal access is required to use application
  • Squadron system: Allows squadron leaders to create and manage their members, option to automatically accept or remove users based on their in-game (journal) squadron
  • By default, squadron members can only see BGS activites within their own squadron
  • Per system messages/actions: Squadron BGS leader can define manual actions per system, can define per system influence limits for the application automatically issue actions
  • Public instance available for everyone, private instance can be self-hosted by each squadron (OPSEC)
  • Squadrons are able to automatically exchange/share their activities with selected allies, this also works cross-instance (public to private, private to public, private to private)
