
Next-Gen Garrysmod shop system

Primary LanguageLua


Extensions / Plugins: https://github.com/Kamshak?tab=repositories&q=ps2&type=&language=

Developer Guides:



Documentation: http://pointshop2.kamshak.com/en/latest/ Documentation source: https://github.com/Kamshak/Pointshop2-Docs/

Pointshop 2

Welcome to Pointshop 2

Pointshop 2 is the next generation pointshop, coded from scratch to provide a better experience to both, server administrators and players. Its main features include easy creation and management of items, categories, players and settings through in-game menus as well as an innovative, inventory-based approach to item equipment.

Shop Management

It can be very frustrating as a server administrator to manage a shop system. Previously, items and categories would be created in Lua files, which is error prone, complicated and often a very tedious task. Frequently changing the map during modifications was very time consuming as well as making it impossible to play on the server.

Pointshop 2 takes a different approach, providing a visual interface to all options. Map changes are not required anymore and intuitive editors allow you to create items without a single line of Lua code. After item creation you simply drag & drop them into a category. Organizing your store has never been easier: create categories and up to three levels of subcategories using a simple tree editor. Click on the save button and all changes are instantly saved and sent to all clients.

Smooth integration

Previously it could be frustrating for players to use the shop. Limitations such as not being able to use the shop while in spectator - which would be a perfect time to go shopping - are not present in Pointshop 2. It is always possible to customize ones appearance at any stage of the game.

Gaining points would previously mean waiting for some time and was usually solely based on the time spent playing. Pointshop 2 rewards active players by integrating into gamemode events. In TTT you are for example given points for identifying bodies, healing others and of course killing a traitor. No more people idling for points!

Batteries included

The script comes with a set of exclusively designed trails as well as exclusively designed hats, accessories and badges. After installing your players can instantly have fun and play with accessories such as animated, funny pets that follow you around, animated hats and cool outfits, while you add and modify items to create an experience unique to your server.

Multiple Currencies

A donator shop is an important feature for servers that are financed through donations. Pointshop 2 supports your server by supporting two currencies: a standard, in game earned currency and an exclusive, premium currency. Integration into popular donation systems is being worked on.

Extensible and customizable

Every aspect of the script can be customized. Full support for derma skins allows a complete visual makeover to fit your community's looks. The script itself is built in a modular and extensible way, you can expect many skins, addons and new item types to be made!

Technical choices such as allowing you to connect to MySQL or SQLite enable tight integration with your systems as well as the flexibility you need. A module based approach makes sure that

No more trouble with addons breaking your server: All addons to pointshop 2 go through an extended quality review to make sure that no matter what, you always get the best addons. A list of addons supporting and approved by Pointshop 2 will be added here.

Premium Support

As always, the price includes not only the script but also support. If you are having trouble setting the script up or need help customizing, your questions and requests are always welcome and will be handled as quickly as possible.

The script will be updated to all future gmod version and stay in active development, receiving bug fixes, functionality updates and tweaks heavily influenced by your feedback.

Documentation - For users and developers

You can find the documentation inside of the zip you downloaded or access it online at the official documentation page.

Developer information and terms are also documented. The page will continue getting updates. Looking to create a pointshop 2 addon? Request a discounted developer license.

Installation and Setup

Installing the script is very simple. To keep all information in one place please refer to the official documentation for setup and usage instructions.


Pointshop 2 wouldn't be possible without the help of many people. Thanks go to:

  • The CyberGmod community, especially Dazzaoh, STEEZE, Phoenixf129 and Reuben. Thank you for hosting the test server and the help with testing and developing the script. Special thanks for the generous donation of the PAC items included.

  • NiandraLades for pointshop 2 exclusive trails and allowing the inclusion of her numerous trail Packs and her kind help with writing documentation.

  • !cake for his remarkable work with GLib, a technical tool that is used throughout the script and makes it possible to handle large amounts of data very efficiently.

  • MDave for his help on complex questions, especially on topics such as stencils.

  • adamburton aka _Undefined for the original pointshop script

  • CapsAdmin for PAC3, which is used to provide the advanced hat/accessory positioning editor and the rendering of advanced items, as well as ludata

  • Vercas for vON, the flexible lua serializer

  • Lexic for the creation of the lua Promises system used throughout the script to provide non-blocking, blazing fast mysql queries

  • To the server/community owners for sharing their experience with pointshop and giving great input on how to improve:

  • TODO: List them here