PortfoliMake 🧾 🚀

Code for the website using ReactJs.

The data on the portfolio is directly linked to a JSON file. Any changes to the portfolio can be made in the JSON file. The changes will then be reflected on to the portfolio. This allows you to customize your own personal portfolio that can be used for applying to jobs or other personal uses.🔥🔥

Screenshots of the website:

Home 1

Academic image

Projects image

More features image

Steps to perform:

  • Clone the project in your local machine.
  • Run the command npm install on the terminal.
  • Run the command npm start to run the project on your local machine at http://localhost:3000/.
  • Change the resumeData.json file according to your preference.
  • Your website is now ready in your local machine.

Note: The website is completely made by SANCHIT KALSI (I used different references to bring a brilliant portfolio website live!).