elk-logo ELK Stack Dockerfile

This repository contains a Dockerfile of ELK for Docker's trusted build published to the public Docker Registry.



  1. Install Docker.

  2. Download trusted build from public Docker Registry: docker pull blacktop/elk

Alternatively, build an image from Dockerfile

$ docker build -t blacktop/elk github.com/blacktop/docker-elk


$ docker run -i -t --name elk -p 8080:80 blacktop/elk

Now navigate to $(docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' elk):8080

If you are using boot2docker

Navigate to $(boot2docker ip):8080

As a convience you can add the boot2docker IP to you /etc/hosts file:

$ echo $(boot2docker ip) dockerhost | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Now you can navigate to http://dockerhost:8080 from your host


  • Install/Run ELK
  • Start Daemon and watch folder with supervisord
  • Expose Logstash config folder as well as Nginx sites folder as Volumes
  • Rewrite Dockerfile to use GitHub Release tags
  • Integrate with Bro-IDS