
This is a python script for creating nfts on opensea via opensea.io website

Primary LanguagePython


This is a python script for creating nfts on opensea via opensea.io website


  • tools.py - marko scripts for interacting with keyboard / mouse
  • stampdata.py - functions for loading csv file from data folder and returning it as a list
  • mintprocess.py - describes the process of creating an nft in the browser (template - you need to modify)
  • main.py - loads nft data from file and loops through each list element by executing mintprocess


Here are all available functions you can use in the mintprocess:

import tools

tools.wait(12)  # waits 12 seconds before proceedinf
tools.press_tab(2)  # press 2x tab to switch between inputs / tabs
tools.press_reverse_tab(1)  # press 1x shift + tab to jump back one input
tools.press_f5(1)  # press 1x F5 to refresh browserpage
tools.press_return(1)  # press 1x return to press buttons on the page
tools.press_space(1)  # press 1x space button
tools.click(200, 100)  # do a mouse click on position x: 200, y: 100
tools.doubleclick(200, 100)  # do a doubleclick on position x: 200, y: 100
tools.paste_text("Hello World")  # copies the given text into RAM and paste it in the selected input box

# Only use this function in a separate application for constantly showing cursor position
# to evaluate which coordinates you need to implement in your code
tools.show_cursor_pos()  # endless loop - displays current cursor position in console

How to use:

1. Preparation - System

2. Preparation - Pycharm:

  • clone git repo
  • add packages to your dev environment (pip):
    • pyperclip
    • pynput

3. Build up your CSV:

In my example, my csv header looks like this:

asset_title; external_url; description; unlockable; max_supply; property; value; image_name

I am using these in my stampdata.py file to address the fields to a human readable headline. In the csv you need to remove the header so your file looks something like this:

My Asset;https://test.com/;This is the description of my asset;This is a top secret unlockable content;1000;Health;Healthy;my_nft_1244.jpg
My Asset;https://test.com/;This is the description of my asset;This is a top secret unlockable content;1000;Health;Healthy;my_nft_1244.jpg
My Asset;https://test.com/;This is the description of my asset;This is a top secret unlockable content;1000;Health;Healthy;my_nft_1244.jpg
My Asset;https://test.com/;This is the description of my asset;This is a top secret unlockable content;1000;Health;Healthy;my_nft_1244.jpg
My Asset;https://test.com/;This is the description of my asset;This is a top secret unlockable content;1000;Health;Healthy;my_nft_1244.jpg

You can insert any data in this csv file. Everything you enter here, you will be able to paste this text via the macro function on the webpage

Save the file under "/data/OpenSea.CSV" in the project dir, like the example file.

4. Prepare the Stampdata.py

In the following code snippet, you only need to adjust the values inside of "nft_data.append()"
Here you need to add all your csv headers in order you inserted them in your csv
In my case it looks something like this:

import csv

def read_stamp_infos():
    nft_data = []

    with open('data/OpenSea.CSV', newline='') as csvfile:
        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';')
        for row in reader:
                "asset_title": row[0],
                "external_url": row[1],
                "description": row[2],
                "unlockable": row[3],
                "max_supply": row[4],
                "property": row[5],
                "value": row[6],
                "image_name": row[7]

    return nft_data

Now if you would run the script, this module would load your csv file from the "/data/OpenSea.CSV" and put it into a list which is accessible in your mint process. So you easily can paste the content in the browser.

Preparations - Browser:

  • open your browser

  • go to https://opensea.io/

  • set up your window view like this, so you are able to see all the menu tabs (Explore, Stats, Resources, Create ...)

    Screen View

  • click on "Create" in the opensea menu bar

  • connect and unlock your wallet

  • initialize the folder selection by clicking on the following:

    Upload image init

  • move to the nft directory where your nfts are located in and select a random image just to save the folder path and click open

    Select folder path

  • click on the "OpenSea" logo in the upper left corner to get back to the main page

  • press F5 to refresh

  • Done

Preparations - mintprocess.py

Now you can start preparing the main mint process.
Here you are doing nothing more than calling the functions from tools.py

Example mintprocess.py:

import tools

def mint_process(stamp_data):
    tools.press_tab(1)                              # press some tabs
    tools.press_space(2)                            # press some spaces
    tools.paste_text(stamp_data["asset_title"])     # this will insert the field asset_title from your csv
    tools.press_return(1)                           # press some return

How you can see, now you can build up your macro script.
I already created a mintprocess for my use case.

So what is it doing:

  • Press Tab till it reaches the "Create" Button and use it
  • Press some more tabs to reach the image upload part and enter it
  • Paste the image name in the search of the file explorer and return it
  • insert the nft name
  • insert the external url
  • insert a description
  • select the collection i want to add the image
  • create a new property
  • add unlockable content
  • set the blockchain
  • set the supply
  • and hit the create button
  • wait a bit till mint process is done
  • refresh the page, done

This will loop till there are no more entries left in the csv.

This is just an example script, so you really need to play around with the waiting times between the clicks and everything else. But with a little effort you should be able to hardcode a macro script. If you need more attributes, or need to click more existing fields on opensea, you just need to add a few commands which will do the work for you.

Finally - run the script

For my script the routine looks like this:

  • go to opensea main page
  • start the script via pycharm (Play Button)
  • click into the opensea main page
  • press F5
  • Script starts running (i set a waiting time of 8 seconds before macros gets executed - set in main.py, you can change it if you want to)


This macro is not limited to opensea ...
If you are creative enough, you should be able to use it on any site
Feel free :)

If you like the script - I like coffee, thanks a lot ;)

ETH Wallet: 0xE09De56b7C8182353e880A8afFe8149A8565053f

Feel free to fork this repo or contribute to improve the scripts.