This Self hosted application is used to automate the process of turning on/off a Sonos Speaker daily using on a Start/Stop Time (UTC) set in the config file or the UI. When using my Docker Image the application doesn't start the Sonos Speaker on Weekends and on Austrian holidays. I will add an option to change this behavior in the UI in near future. For now you have to manually adjust the code.
- Blazor Server Application (.Net 7)
- Docker
- Uses UTC time
Docker Compose (click here for more info)
Create a file called docker-compose.yml.
nano docker-compose.yml
Paste following code:
version: '3.4'
container_name: sonos
image: darkatek7/sonoscontrol:latest # docker image
- 80:80 # port used for localhost ip
restart: unless-stopped # restart policy
- TZ:"Europe/Vienna"
- ./Data:/app/Data
At first create a folder called Data.
mkdir Data
Now create a file called config.json
nano Data/config.json
and paste the following:
"Volume": 14,
"StartTime": "06:00:00",
"StopTime": "18:00:00",
"IP_Adress": ""
You can change the config to fit your needs or change it later in the UI.
- Add option to change the days which the automation should run
- Add option to change the holiday location
- Create a nice UI (Currently I am only using a minimalistic UI that only displays nicely on mobile)