
Data files for the Canadian Atheist calendar

Canadian Atheist

Canadian Atheist calendar data

This repository contains the data for the Canadian Atheist calendar.

The Canadian Atheist calendar can be found at https://www.canadianatheist.com/calendar.ics.

Data structure

The data for the calendar is stored as xCal vevent components, each in its own XML file in the data directory or its subdirectories.

A separate tool scans all the XML files in the data directory, and then combines all the components into a master xCal file. That file is then transformed to iCal format before being stored on the Canadian Atheist server.

Validation tools are provided in the util directory, so that components can be checked for validity.

Adding new events

If you have an event you would like to see added to the Canadian Atheist calendar, you have several options.

The easiest way would be to simply use the Canadian Atheist contact form, and give Canadian Atheist’s editors all the information. They will then add the event for you.

Another option is to create an issue on the issues list.

Finally, you could also create a pull request if you want to add the event manually:

  1. First fork the Canadian Atheist calendar data repository.
  2. In your own fork, create a new branch. Give it a descriptive name.
  3. In that branch, add the new event(s) as XML files in the data directory.
  4. Once you are satisfied with your new events, create a pull request.