A helper class which turns any existing recycler view to a spinner that allows the user to scroll the whole list through a single dragging gesture. The use of recycler view ensures better performance and better long-term support. Both vertical and horizontal scrolling are supported; set the orientation by using LinearLayoutManager.setOrientation(int). Customization is not included in the helper class; check the companion demo app to see how to add indication arrows and for other tricks.
The helper class is backward-compatible the same way as RecyclerView. The demo app is Lollipop+ due to vector drawables. Based on original UX design by Oleg Frolov-
Copy SwipeSpinnerHelper.Java class to your app
- Add dependencies 'com.android.support:support-dynamic-animation' and 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7'
You can use this with any RecyclerView object as long as you use LinearLayoutManager.