This project was built as an advanced version of the Pi Zero Simpsons Shuffler. It provides a simple interface for selecting movies within a series or playing random episodes from the series. It was conceived as a player for 30 Rock with a Raspberry Pi Zero, but can be easily modified to work with any or multiple series.
Save the file to the root directory of your device. run it with ./selector.sh
For this script to work, simply launch selector.sh. Any media should be stored in the ./media directory
The default script uses ./media/30 Rock. to modify this, change the last line of the script to the default directory of series.
If you are doing multiple series, or storing a single series directly in the ./media directory, edit line 101 and remove '/media'.
File system requirements
- Each season in the series should be labled 'season xx', with two digits for the season number and 'season' in all lower case.
- Each episode should begin with 'episode xx', with two digits for the episode and 'episode' in lower case
- Ensure that the files are encoded in h.264, ideally. Raspberry Pi's hardware cannot decode h.264.
- Files must be mp4, mkv, avi, or mpg. The script disregards all other file extensions.