
A little plateformer where you explore a procedurally generated world with a bunch of super abilities

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Science breaker

What happened ? Just some times ago, human civilisation was all powerful ; so powerful that we were able to defy gravity, control magnetism, use the weak force to disintegrate objects, and even slow down time... We broke the rules ! The rules of physics !

But except me, all of my fellows lost their abilities. I shall therefore find the stars in the ruins of our civilisation, the last remains of what we used to be...

How to play

Use arrow keys, AWSD or ZQSD to move.

Press G to destroy gravity.

Press M to attract platforms thanks to magnetism.

Slowing time by pressing T will help you making tight manoeuvres.

Press H to destroy barrels thanks to weak force.

About the game

Graphics from a Tileset found on itch.io.

Levels made using Tiled App.

Map generation is procedural.

Made by Darknew, Domyminion, Carnivorace for the AI and Games Jam 2021