
DFoundryFX plugin example project.

Primary LanguageBatchfileMIT LicenseMIT

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 '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------' 

       DarknessFX @ https://dfx.lv | Twitter: @DrkFX

DFoundryFX_Example Unreal Engine Project

Example project for DFoundryFX plugin. This example project is for Unreal Engine 5.1, basically is the C++ FPS Template with an empty C++ UObject Class just to have a simple Visual Studio Solution and projects.

Is not necessary to get this example project but is easier to build, play and test the plugin code using the example instead of directly copy to the Engine folder.


. Download the repo as ZIP.
. Unzip anywhere.
. Unblock and execute the Setup.bat file.

If everything works, Setup.bat will finish opening your Unreal Engine with the plugin built and ready to use.


Unreal Engine from Epic Games - https://www.unrealengine.com/
DearImGui from @ocornut - https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
ImPlot from @epezent - https://github.com/epezent/implot
MetalWorking Icon from TheNounProject - https://thenounproject.com/icon/metalworking-1563039/
ImGuiPlugin from @amuTBKT - https://github.com/amuTBKT/ImGuiPlugin
UnrealEngine_ImGui from @sronsse - https://github.com/sronsse/UnrealEngine_ImGui
Rama code multi threading from Rama - https://dev.epicgames.com/community/learning/tutorials/7Rz/rama-code-multi-threading-in-ue5-c


@MIT - Free for everyone and any use.

DarknessFX @ https://dfx.lv | Twitter: @DrkFX