This is go api with mongodb for meeting booking now, in development

Primary LanguageGo


  1. Employed my own Data structure for easy access and updation
  2. POST to meetings is complete
  3. The date fomat is **DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS**(24 hour format) or else error will be given
  4. MongoDB also checks for any meeting collisions
  5. Also retrival is well configured but json Output is not there
  6. BSON output is possible but I wasn't able to convert BSON to JSON object
  7. No external Package is used
  8. Also the GET request of meeting by id and meeting by start and end date is done
  9. But wasn't able to convert to JSON output
  10. Meeting Id is improved
  11. Currently working on all meetings function

To run the program Do

go run .

in git directory