FSND: Capstone Project


  1. Motivation

  2. Start Project locally

  3. Base URL

  4. API Documentation

  5. Authentification


This is the last project of the Udacity-Full-Stack-Nanodegree Course. For which I wanted to make sure my skills were up to date.

It covers following technical topics in 1 app:

  1. Database modeling with postgres & sqlalchemy (see models.py)

  2. API to performance CRUD Operations on database with Flask (see app.py)

  3. Automated testing with Unittest (see test_app)

  4. Authorization & Role based Authentification with Auth0 (see auth.py)

  5. Deployment on Heroku

Start Project locally

Clone repository into a local folder. Reqs: Python 3

To start and run the local development server,

  1. Initialize, activate a virtualenv, and install dependencies:
virtualenv venv
source venv/scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

With the project being locally, we can setup a sqllite database

  1. Change database config so it can connect to your local postgres database
    • Open models.py with your editor of choice.
    • Make sure the following lines are setup correctly for local
 7 # If run locally, uncomment the following below
 8 database_filename = "database.db"
 9 project_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
10 database_path = "sqlite:///{}".format(os.path.join(project_dir, database_filename))
12 # For running on Prod
13 #database_path = os.environ['DATABASE_URL']
  1. Setup an account with Auth0 for permissions

  2. Start the server:

$ python app.py

This is the same process for running tests. After all this is done, and you have switched to a SQLlite setup, run the following command

$ pytest test_app.py

API Documentation

In this next section, you will find all the endpoints for the project and requirements

Base URL



Please see API Authentification


How to work with each endpoint

Click on a link to directly get to the ressource.

  1. Movies

  2. Actors

GET '/movies'
  • Fetches an array of movies that are in the DB
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Returns: An object with a single key, Movies, that contains a object of actor, id, release_date, title
    "Movies": [
            "actor": {
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Chris"
            "id": 1,
            "release_date": "Sat, Apr 29 2017",
            "title": "Raids of the ice"
            "actor": {
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Katie"
            "id": 2,
            "release_date": "Sat, Apr 29 2017",
            "title": "up up and away"
            "actor": {
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Katie"
            "id": 3,
            "release_date": "Sat, Apr 29 2017",
            "title": "finding katie"
    "success": true
GET '/movies/movies_id'
  • Fetches a dictionary of a movie (same structure as GET /movies)
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Returns: An object with 4 keys, actor, id, release_date, and title.
    • actor id:id of actor name:name of actor
    • relase_date: release date of movie
    • title: title of movie
    • id: id of movie
    "Movies": {
        "actor": {
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Katie"
        "id": 2,
        "release_date": "Sat, Apr 29 2017",
        "title": "up up and away"
    "success": true
POST '/movies'
  • Adds a movie
  • Request Arguments: title, release_date, actor_id
  • Returns: dict indicating success with movie inserted
  "movie": {
    "actor": {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Chris"
    "id": 4,
    "release_date": "Sun, Apr 23 2006",
    "title": "late night writing code"
  "success": "True"
DELETE '/movies/movie_id'
  • Deletes a movie based on movie_id sent
  • Request Arguments: movie_id
  • Returns: None
PATCH '/movies/int:movie_id'
  • Updates a movie with movie_id
  • Request Arguments: one of the two title, release_date
  • Returns: dict Get '/movies
  "movie": {
    "actor": {
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Chris"
    "id": 1,
    "release_date": "Sun, Apr 23 2006",
    "title": "Raids of the ice"
  "success": "True"
GET '/actors'
  • Gets all the actors in the DV
  • Request Arguments: Nonoe
  • Returns: dict with key:Actors with an array of dicts of actors keys: age, gender, id, name
    "Actors": [
            "age": 45,
            "gender": "male",
            "id": 1,
            "name": "David"
            "age": 35,
            "gender": "male",
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Chris"
            "age": 30,
            "gender": "female",
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Katie"
    "success": true
GET '/actors/actor_id'
  • Gets an actor based on actor_id
  • Request Arguments: actor_id
  • Returns: see GET /actors(####GET-'/actors') ''' { "Actors": { "age": 35, "gender": "male", "id": 2, "name": "Chris" }, "success": true } '''
GET '/actors/actor_id/movies'
  • Gets all the movies with said actor
  • Request Arguments: actor_id
  • Returns: Same as GET /movies ''' { "Movies": [ { "actor": { "id": 3, "name": "Katie" }, "id": 2, "release_date": "Sat, Apr 29 2017", "title": "up up and away" }, { "actor": { "id": 3, "name": "Katie" }, "id": 3, "release_date": "Sat, Apr 29 2017", "title": "finding katie" } ], "success": true } '''
POST '/actors'
  • Adds an actor based on the arguments
  • Request Arguments: age, gender, name
  • Returns: see GET /actors(####GET-'/actors') ''' { "Actors": { "age": 40, "gender": "male", "id": 2, "name": "Billy" }, "success": true } '''
DELETE '/actors/actor_id'
  • Delete actor based on id
  • Request Arguments: actor_id
  • Returns: None
PATCH '/actors/actor_id'
  • updates an actor based on the arguments
  • Request Arguments: age, gender, or name
  • Returns: see GET /actors(####GET-'/actors') ''' { "Actors": { "age": 20, "gender": "male", "id": 2, "name": "Bill" }, "success": true } '''

Error Handling

  'success': False,
  'error': 404,
  'message': error_message

Api will return the following error

  • 404: not found
  • 422: Unprocessable Entity

Existing Roles

They are 3 Roles with distinct permission sets:

  1. Casting Assistant:
  • GET /actors (get:actors): Can see all actors
  • GET /movies/actor_id/actors (get:movies): Can see all movies with actor
  • GET /movies (get:movies): Can see all movies
  1. Casting Director (everything from Casting Assistant plus)
  • POST /actors (post:actors): Can create new Actors
  • PATCH /actors (patch:actors): Can edit existing Actors
  • DELETE /actors (delete:actors): Can remove existing Actors from database
  • PATCH /movies (patch:movies): Can edit existing Movies
  1. Exectutive Dircector (everything from Casting Director plus)
  • POST /movies (post:movies): Can create new Movies
  • DELETE /movies (delete:movies): Can remove existing Motives from database

In your API Calls, add them as Header, with Authorization as key and the Bearer token as value. Don´t forget to also prepend Bearer to the token (seperated by space).

Authentification Bearer

For example: (Bearer token for Executive Producer)

    "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IkRGMFB4M3A3ckI3S3h3cmk2bktreiJ9.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.GYggzM_VJiMB1Ty0JbtDBST_Cfa9mybV715yVwH7aNBZrZ-Em8QgkAKc_l1HKXoCXKV8oRJLmb5Uuiir8nQEb8MyF0X92lzi64GI2CHJvbwmXIol9E78W4uv4ylIqDM506tsacUE9JP8nBmRxDb0gZ0lik2IhxkhR7eAyJ9vDEcIHvcjI9Rf6iWmMRP4c3IE5FtOIufRbyEXR_hqGkhzRIysr0M0zXyOZOdaBckn1mKfQ0FaxXkj2w8AEO96Z6rzxoDcpFGhLHmAThveAajosAzEz_J25PcLeMTAK2ggIa03s1jA7hPlbsz_6FouVwofJUIK3GoaJV3STgqjBs9ezA"