Imports axios: axios react: React, {useState} react-dom: ReactDOM react-redux: {Provider, connect} redux: {createStore, applyMiddleware} redux-thunk: thunk Keywords reducer actions grommet (for styling)

Module Project: Async Redux - React Redux App

This project allows you to practice the concepts and techniques learned in this module and apply them in a concrete project. This module explored asynchronous action creators in Redux. In your project you will demonstrate proficiency of these subjects and principles by building an app from scratch that consumes and API of your choosing, and displays data fetched from that API.


This is the chance to let your skills shine! You have learned sooo much the last month, and now you get to put all of your hard-earned skills to work. Choose an open api (this list). Protip - don't take too long choosing an API. Pick one that looks interesting, and get building.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your chosen API requires you to use an API key, make sure not to hard-code it in your source nor push it to GitHub, for security reasons. Create a separate module that exports the API key, and then make sure to add that module to your .gitignore file.

Once you have chosen an API to consume, build an app that makes sense for the data you will be retrieving. Have fun with this. You get to be the creative mind. You get to make all the decisions here. I'm excited to see what you build!

Read these instructions carefully. Understand exactly what is expected before starting this project.


Commit your code regularly and meaningfully. This helps both you and your team lead in case you ever need to return to old code for any number of reasons.


In this project you'll choose an api to consume. You will build an application from scratch that uses your chosen API and displays the data you are getting from it.


Task 1: Project Set Up

  • Create a forked copy of this project.
  • Start up the app using npm start.
  • Add your code into the \src folder.

Task 2: Minimum Viable Product

  • Build a React Redux app
  • Fetch data inside an async action creator from an API of your choosing
  • Add the data from the API to the Redux store
  • Display the data from the store in a component
  • Some styling must be applied. It can be basic, but the app must not only use browser default stylings

Submission Format

  • If this is your first time connecting a submission, authorize your github account within the codegrade assignment.
  • Connect your fork to Codegrade using the "Connect Git" button.
  • Find your newly created fork from the list and push your work to main.
  • Check this video for details: