Welcome to the!


Our team, consisting of Thays and Darlan, is excited to engage with the community and collaborate on developing this innovative tool. We aim to foster collaboration with the community and facilitate knowledge-sharing within our team during the frontend development process. We are developing a web and mobile recipe platform with a blend of rustic and modern aesthetics. Our goal is to provide a user-friendly yet visually captivating search tool. Logged-in users can save their favorite recipes and engage in recipe sharing through a chat interface. Our website will feature a minimum of 8 pages, including Home, Recipes, Selected Recipe, Login, Sign Up, User Registration Page, and an Integrated Chat. The Home and Selected Recipe pages already have foundational designs in place but are open to further development and customization. So much we have to do and the project is only starting...


  • npm install

Necessary acess to Firebase to have the setting to use at the .env.local. The website give the steps to setting the project in Firebase Console:

