
Projeto do Curso de TDD com TALL Stack do Marco Avila

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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About Project

Este é um projeto desenvolvido no curso TDD com Tall Stack do Marco Avila


Modulo 0 Aquecendo os Motores ✔️
1 Installing Composer ✔️
2 Laravel Installer ✔️
3 Laravel Valet ✔️
4 Database In Docker Container ✔️
5 Virtual Studio Code Extensions ✔️
6 Main Technologies Overview ✔️
Modulo 1 Checkout ✔️
1 Module Overview ✔️
2 Figma Introduction ✔️
3 Figma Basics ✔️
4 Github Introduction ✔️
5 Github Project Dashboard ✔️
6 Wireframe ✔️
7 Improving Wireframe ✔️
8 Final Design ✔️
9 Updating Github Issue ✔️
10 Setup Project and Git ✔️
11 Setup TailwindCSS ✔️
12 SVG, Icons and Blade Components ✔️
13 Navigation Menu ✔️
14 Creating Our First Livewire Component ✔️
15 Static Contact Info Checkout Section ✔️
16 Quick Changes to Contacts Section ✔️
17 DRY and Top-Down Development ✔️
18 Static Shipping and Payment ✔️
19 Static Shipping checkout Section ✔️
20 Static Payment checkout Section ✔️
21 Switch Component With Alpinejs ✔️
22 Checkout Summary ✔️
23 Laravel Cashier ✔️
24 Stripe Integration ✔️
25 Stripe CLI and Webhooks ✔️
26 Commit Checkout Page ✔️
27 Next steps ✔️
28 Setup Test Environment ✔️
29 Setup Tests with Pest PHP ✔️
30 Code Coverage With Xdebug ✔️
31 Confirm Payment Teste ✔️
32 Finish, Clean Up and Commit ✔️
Modulo 2 Admin Produc List
1 Starting A New Task ✔️
2 Top Admin Navigation ✔️
3 Page Title and Actions ✔️
4 Product Card List ✔️
5 Commit Changes ✔️
6 Define Test Cases ✔️
7 Protecting Routes ✔️
8 IsAdmin Middleware ✔️
9 Product Model, Factory and Migration ✔️
10 Product Pagination ✔️
11 Product Search By Name ✔️
12 Product Search By Price ✔️
13 Product Search By Description ✔️
14 Filters ✔️
15 Pagination, Query String and Image Size ✔️
16 Tailwind Line Clamp and Commit ✔️
17 Frontend changes ✔️
18 Page Title Componens ✔️
19 Working Navigation ✔️
20 Static Product Image Gallery ✔️
21 Static Basic Product Form ✔️
22 Static Basic Variations ✔️
23 Static Product Shippig ✔️
24 Commit Static Form Page ✔️
25 Livewire Basic Form With Validations ✔️
26 Starting Input Price With Masks ✔️
27 Alpine Intro ✔️
28 Implement Input Price Mask ✔️
29 Refactoring Alpine Component ✔️
30 Creating Blade Component Price ✔️
31 Connecting Alpine Blade Component With Livewire ✔️
32 Uploading Product Images ✔️
33 Removing Product Images ✔️
34 Adding Image to Variations ✔️
35 Remove Variation ✔️
36 Sorting Variations With Sortablejs ✔️
37 Commit Changes ✔️
38 Adding Product Shippings ✔️
39 Remove and Sort Shippings ✔️
40 Commit Changes For Variations and Shippings ✔️
41 TDD , Pest PHP and Test Cases ✔️
42 Defining Test Cases Before Codign ✔️
43 TDD Checking Admin to Save Product ✔️
44 TDD For Form Field Validations ✔️
45 TDD For Princing Field ✔️
46 TDD For Storing Data in Database ✔️
47 Small Adjustments on Product Save and List ✔️
48 Commit Changes ✔️
49 Upgrading Livewire Package to Fix A Bug
50 TDD With Image Upload With Livewire
51 Implementing Uploading Images With Livewire On Product Form
52 Separating Creation From Editing Product
53 Uploading Variation Images
54 Implementing CRUD of Shippings On Product Form
55 Tests For Variations And Shippings
56 Categories Modal
57 Implementing Modal of Categories
58 Add Relationship Between Categories And Products
59 Finishing Categories Modal
60 Git Rebase
61 Concluding With Github Pull Request
Modulo 3 Purchase Flow
1 Module Overview
Modulo 4 Manage Orders
1 Module Overview
Modulo 5 Production Deploy
1 Create Server on Digital Ocean with Laravel Forge