
Assertion groups made easy via a one-liner function call -- like using console.assert(but_drastically_improved, [ allowing, multiple, assertions, and, ()=> functions_too ] )"

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Assertion groups made easy via a one-liner function call

Like using console.assert(but_drastically_improved, [ allowing, multiple, assertions, and, ()=> functions_too ] )

// Usage examples:

// var assert = globalThis.assert || module.exports || require("assert-lite");
// const assert = require("./assert-lite.js");  // alternative to package.json devDependencies: { "assert-lite": "file:./" }
const assert = require("assert-lite");

assert.is = (a, e) => Object.is(a, e);

const results = assert([

  () => 1,
  () => 1 == "1",

  () => 1 === "1",
  [0, "<<< zero should be truthy"],
    t => t.is(null, undefined),
    "\n ^",
    "should be strictly equal to",



if (!results.every(Boolean)) {
  console.log("results:", results);
  // (7) [1, true, false, 0, false, null, {}]


console.log("\nOut of", results.length, "tests, did correct # of them pass?");
if(results.filter(Boolean).length !== 3) {
  process.exit(1);  // how about no