
ReactJS Vite example of "Pokedex Problem" that Theo (of Ping.gg) says he gives candidates for Junior React Developer role

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Redoing https://github.com/DarrenSem/pokemon-exercise/ with proper build tools etc.

Experimenting with example "Pokedex Problem" that Theo (of Ping.gg) says he gives candidates for Junior React Developer role. (To more easily confirm somebody "knows their stuff" in React, rather than typical algorithm-memorization technical interviews.)



via https://t3-tools.notion.site/Technical-Interview-Dan-Abramov-9aa6d8e9292e4bd1ae67b44aeeaabf88 [he let The Inventor Of Redux pretend to be a candidate]

I found this via Theo's recent video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2OjewTu_fY

"Rethinking the Technical Interview" Theo - t3․gg May 15, 2023


  • DONE get it to work locally using Vite/JSX
  • DONE setup CI/CD on GitHub so I can push from local VSC
  • DONE setup GitHub Pages to deploy when gh-pages branch updates for published "Final Answer"
  • add features that let me get more experience with things like Redux, maybe MongoDB and/or localStorage, export/import/drag-and-drop?