
Pytorch implementation of Deep Face Super-Resolution with Iterative Collaboration between Attentive Recovery and Landmark Estimation (CVPR 2020)

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Iterative Collaboration for Face Super-Resolution

Pytorch implementation of Deep Face Super-Resolution with Iterative Collaboration between Attentive Recovery and Landmark Estimation (CVPR 2020) [arXiv]

If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={Deep Face Super-Resolution with Iterative Collaboration between Attentive Recovery and Landmark Estimation},
  author={Ma, Cheng and Jiang, Zhenyu and Rao, Yongming and Lu, Jiwen and Zhou, Jie},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


  • Python 3 (Recommend to use Anaconda)
  • PyTorch >= 1.0
  • Python packages: pip install numpy opencv-python tqdm imageio pandas matplotlib tensorboardX

Dataset Preparation

Download datasets

CelebA dataset can be downloaded here. Please download and unzip the img_celeba.7z file.

Helen dataset can be downloaded here. Please download and unzip the 5 parts of All images.

Download landmark annotations and pretrained models

Landmark annotations for CelebA and Helen can be downloaded in the annotations folder from Google Drive or Baidu Drive (extraction code: y364).

The pretrained models can also be downloaded from the models folder in the above links. Then please place them in ./models.


To train a model:

cd code
python train.py -opt options/train/train_(DIC|DICGAN)_(CelebA|Helen).json
  • The json file will be processed by options/options.py. Please refer to this for more details.

  • Before running this code, please modify option files to your own configurations including:

    • proper dataroot_HR and dataroot_LR paths for the data loader
    • proper info_path for the annotations
    • whether to use a pretrained model and the path of the model
    • the path of the pretrained Feedback HourGlass model (for face landmark detection) if not using a pretrained model
    • the path of the feature extraction model (LightCNN_feature.pth) if training a GAN model
    • whether to resume training
    • saving frequency for models and states
    • other hyperparameters
    • loss function, etc.
  • During training, you can use Tesorboard to monitor the losses with tensorboard --logdir tb_logger/NAME_OF_YOUR_EXPERIMENT


To generate SR images by a model:

cd code
python test.py -opt options/test/test_(DIC|DICGAN)_(CelebA|Helen).json
  • Similar to training, the configurations can be modified in the json file. Please refer to this for more details.
  • You can find your results in results/{test_name}/{dataset_name}. The PSNR and SSIM values will be stored in result.json while the average results will be recorded in average_result.txt
  • We provide our DIC and DICGAN models used in our paper that can be downloaded in the models folder from Google Drive or Baidu Drive (extraction code: y364). Then you can modify the directory of pretrained model in option files and run test.py for a quick test.


To evaluate the SR results by landmark detection:

python eval_landmark.py --info_path /path/to/landmark/annotations --data_root /path/to/result/images

  • First you need to download the HG_68_CelebA.pth from the from Google Drive or Baidu Drive (extraction code: y364) and put it into the ./models directory.
  • Results will be in /path/to/result/images/landmark_result.json and the averaged results will be in landmark_average_result.txt.

Visual Results


The code is based on SRFBN and hourglass-facekeypoints-detection