
📱A sample repository to demonstrate the Automate publishing🚀 app to the Google Play Store with GitHub Actions⚡+ Fastlane🏃.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Android App Deployment with Fastlane + GitHub Actions CI / CD

A sample repository to demonstrate the Automate publishing app to the Google Play Store with GitHub Actions+ Fastlane🏃.

Refer this article for information

This article includes all steps or related information for setting up this.


Deployment Status (Production) Deployment Status (Beta) Distribution Status
Release (Production) Release (Beta) Distribute


  • distribute.yml - For Distributing test builds using the Firebase App Distribution.
  • releaseBeta.yml - For deploying application (AAB) to the beta track on to the Google Play Store.
  • releaseProd.yml - For deploying application (AAB) to the production track on to the Google Play Store.

Fastlane config

- Fastfile

    desc "Lane for distributing app using Firebase App Distributions"
    lane :distribute do
        gradle(task: "clean assembleRelease")
            service_credentials_file: "firebase_credentials.json",
            app: ENV['FIREBASE_APP_ID'],
            release_notes_file: "FirebaseAppDistributionConfig/release_notes.txt",
            groups_file: "FirebaseAppDistributionConfig/groups.txt"
    desc "Deploy a beta version to the Google Play"
    lane :beta do
        gradle(task: "clean bundleRelease")
        upload_to_play_store(track: 'beta', release_status: 'draft')

    desc "Deploy a new version to the Google Play"
    lane :production do
        gradle(task: "clean bundleRelease")
        upload_to_play_store(release_status: 'draft')
