
Default GNOME but tweaked a bit to my taste


Default GNOME but tweaked a bit to my taste Simple preview of my custom desktop


Date & Time:

Time format: AM/PM (a.k.a 12-hour format)




Lock Screen Notifications: OFF



  • Blank Screen Delay: 15 minutes
  • Automatic Screen Lock: ON
  • Automatic Screen Lock Delay: Screen Turns Off
  • Lock Screen Notifications: OFF

File History & Trash:

  • File History: ON
  • File History Duration: 7 days
  • Automatically Delete Trash Content: ON
  • Automatically Delete Temporary Files: ON
  • Automatically Delete Period: 30 days


  • Power Mode: Performance
  • Screen Blank: 15 minutes
  • Automatic suspend: ON
  • Power Button Behavior: Suspend


Input sources:

  • English (US)
  • Mongolian



  • Launch web browser: Super+B


  • Move to workspace on the left: Ctrl+Super+Left
  • Move to workspace on the right: Ctrl+Super+Right
  • Move window one workspace to the left: Shift+Super+left
  • Move window one workspace to the right: Shift+Super+right
  • Move window to workspace 1: Shift+Super+1
  • Move window to workspace 1: Shift+Super+2
  • Move window to workspace 1: Shift+Super+3
  • Move window to workspace 1: Shift+Super+4
  • Switch to workspace 1: Super+1
  • Switch to workspace 1: Super+2
  • Switch to workspace 1: Super+3
  • Switch to workspace 1: Super+4
  • Switch windows: Alt+Tab


  • Take a screenshot: Super+S
  • Take a screenshot interactively: Shift+Super+S

Sound and Media:

  • Next track: Audio next
  • Play (or play/pause): Audio play
  • Previous track: Audio previous
  • Volume down: Audio lower volume
  • Volume mute/unmute: Audio mute
  • Volume up: Audio raise volume


  • Show all applications: LaunchB
  • Show the overview: LaunchA
  • Show the run command prompt: Super+R


  • Close window: Super+Q
  • Hide window: Super+N
  • Toggle fullscreen mode: Shift+Super+M
  • Toggle maximization state: Super+M

Custom Shortcuts:

  • Open Console (kgx): Super+Return
  • Open Files (nautilus): Super+F

Default Applications:

  • Web: Microsoft Edge

Must install:

GNOME Tweaks:


  • Cursor: Adwaita (default)
  • Icons: Tela-black
  • Shell: Custom-Accent-Colors (from the extension "Custom Accent Colors")
  • Legacy Applications: Adw-gtk3-dark


  • Fedora defaults (Cantarell Regular)

Keyboard & Mouse:

  • Acceleration profile: Flat
  • Middle click paste: OFF

Top Bar:

  • Clock Weekday: ON

Window Titlebars:

  • Minimize: ON
  • Placement: Right


Resize with secondary-click: ON

VS Code:

Monokai Orange theme


Adwaita theme

Microsoft Edge:


  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • MS To-Do
  • Notion

OBS Studio

VLC Media Player

Cool Retro Term (dope terminal emulator):

  • retro-term.json

Kitty (super minimal terminal emulator):

  • Gruvbox theme


  • Adwaita theme


GNOME Console

HPLIP (for using HP printers)

Cider (Apple Music client)


GNOME Shell extensions and configurations:

Blur my Shell:


  • Sigma: 30
  • Brightness" 0.78
  • Color: #000000
  • Noise amount: 0
  • Noise lightness: 0
  • Color and noise effects: OFF


  • Customize properties: OFF
  • Static blur: ON
  • Disable in overview: ON
  • Override Background: ON
  • Background style: Transparent
  • Disable when a window is near: OFF
  • Hidetopbar extension: OFF

Clipboard Indicator

Custom Accent Colors:

  • Accent Color: Orange
  • Flatpack Theming: ON
  • GTK3 Theming: ON
  • Shell Theming: ON

Custom Hot Corners - Extended

Top left:

  • Show Activities Overview

Top right:

  • Left-click: Close Window
  • Right-click: Minimize Window
  • Middle-click: Fullscreen Window (toggle)
  • Scroll up: Previous Workspace
  • Scroll down: Next Workspace

Bottom Right:

  • Right-click: Show Desktop

GTK Title bar:

  • Hide When: Maximized

Just Perfection:


  • Activities Button: OFF
  • World Clock (in clock menu): OFF
  • Weather (in clock menu): OFF
  • Events (in clock menu): OFF


  • App Menu Icon: OFF
  • Panel Notification Icon: ON
  • Power Icon: OFF


  • Workspace wraparound: OFF
  • Window Demands Attention Focus: OFF
  • Double Super to App Grid
  • Startup Status: Desktop


  • Panel Position: Bottom
  • Animation: Faster
  • Dash Icon Size: 40px

Lock Keys:

  • Indication Style: Show/Hide
  • Notifications: Osd

Logo Menu:

  • Icon: Fedora
  • Icon Size: 25px
  • Enable Power Options: ON
  • Hide Force Quit option: ON
  • Show Lock Screen option: ON
  • Hide Software Center option: ON
  • Terminal: kgx

No Titlebar When Maximized

Rounded Window Corners:

  • Skip LibAdwaita Applications: OFF
  • Skip LibHandy Applications: OFF
  • Border Width: 1.0
  • Border Color: #3A3A3A
  • Border Radius: 13.0
  • Corner Smoothing: 0.1

Scroll Panel

User Themes


  • Position in panel: Right
  • Seconds between updates: 3
  • Use fixed widths: ON
  • Only "Monitor memory": ON

Workspace Indicator