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👋 I'm Seth Corker

I'm a Senior Full Stack Product Engineer at @zeroheight in London 🇬🇧. I help build a solution to document design systems 🎨 and aide adoption of those systems across the business.

See some of the stuff I've done or checkout my blog for more.

🎯 Current focus at zeroheight

Building an experience in zeroheight for developers on design system teams including:

  • Better Storybook integration
  • Git provider integrations
  • Live code blocks in the editor
  • Measurement of design systems

Here's some of the things I've worked on at zeroheight.

🎓 Currently learning

  • Doing a deep dive into the Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
  • Tinkering with rich text editors

🙋‍♂️ Want to hire me?

I'm flattered, reach out on LinkedIn!