- w/Singleplayer/Multiplayer (including computer controlled opponents)
- Immersive simulation-like submarine handling
- Active + Passive Sonar
- Noise simulation model
- Manual Torpedo firing resolution
- no arcade-style HUD
- combined with adapted Deatchmatch/TDM/Domination (as in UT) and Warzone (as in ARMA) - like gameplay modes.
- Team-play
- Capturing of zones for points
- Research & Upgrade your team's submarines + armaments
- no fixed theme (WWI/WWII/cold war/modern/sci-fi) yet, engine is kept flexible to support them all, but focus is on modern with fictional upgrade system
- (unnamed as of now, ideas welcome)
After above goals are implemented, future plans include:
- More Object types (Surface ships and aircraft)
Bold = High Priority
(?) = Idea / Unsure if necessary
Grey Text = Probably Later
- Teambase: Repair/Resupply/Change sub
- Replace Player's sub on death
- Spawn new bot subs (-timer? -points?)
- Research
- Torpedo models
- Passive Sonar models
- Motor models
- Sub models
- Decoys
- (?) Zones spawn Ships; Have them reach home for Points
- Mainmenu - game setup
- Nicknames for players
- New Game / Team setup
- (?) Attack / Defend gameplay instead of 'Equal Encounter'
- (?) Deathmatch (FFA / no Teams)
- Surface Ships
- Aircraft
- Save/Load Game
- Evade
- Use Decoys
- Hide
- Use Air Vent
- fire Torpedos
- Multiple Launch Tubes
- Fix+Test Sonar Blindspots
- AS Pings temporär skalieren
- Decoys
- Kommando
- Decoy effectiveness balancing
- Active Sonar detects depths
- Torpedos kill
- Torpedo Targeting choice test + improve
- Torpedo Activate to change course / Waypoints
- Improve / Make Map Screen less rough
- Show scale px : km/
sm - Terrain Renderer (VertexArray based for now)
- Clean up Map Settings Window
- (?) Bug: Possible Map Depth discrepancy view/model
- New Strategy Window
- Technology Overview
- Show scale px : km/
- Passive Sonar: Bearing Markers
- Passive Sonar: Bug: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 432) >= this->size() (which is 432)
- Active Sonar: Bearing Markers
- Active Sonar: Range Markers
- New Screen: Navigation / Controls
- O2 Ventilation
- Emergency Surface
- (?) Speed -> knots
- Weapons Screen
- Basic Physics Simulation
- Object Movement
- Distance and bearing calculations
- Damage model
- Terrain
- Terrain from
Height Mapprocedural Simplex Noise - Synchronize with Host
- Land: Collision
- Adjust sub's start position if collision detected
- Adjust zone position to sea only
- Land: AI Pathfinding around)
- Terrain from
- Depth-rudder
- Depth influences stealth
- Convert all stdouts / error messages to english
- Read Subs from xml/yaml/ini