
A simple and helpful utility script for nix (easily edited for legacy linux)

Primary LanguageShell

git mass checker

A simple and helpful utility script for nix (easily edited for legacy Linux distributions.)

This script will find and clone all of your repositories including repositories belonging to your organizations, a handy tool on its own! but there's more.

The script will sort all the repositories into folders named appropriately, if the repository already exists in the working_dir then it will move it into the correct folder.

Also, if that wasn't enough, it will if run a second time (or the first) it will fetch and pull any repository it would have otherwise cloned.

Expected usage:

Edit the script to insert your:

  1. username
  2. api-token (https://github.com/settings/tokens)
  3. organisation names then run:
$ cd My_cluttered_repo_folder
$ git_mass_check.sh ./

The Shebang at the top of the script is used for Nix; it invokes bash with jq and figlet packages

   #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
   #!nix-shell -i bash -p jq figlet

if you are not using nix, or nixos, you will want to change this to #/!bin/bash and pollute your user environment with these packages:

  1. jq
  2. figlet

Final notes

There's obviously no warranty; don't run code on your computer that you haven't read every line of, and understood. that's why programmers write comments.

Created by John Bargman in January of 2022

This code is MIT licensed, it's free software - keep it that way.