
This is a vanilla Bert for passage retrieval task which takes a query as input and output relevance score for each document in database.


The whole structure is designed for CLIRMatrix dataset. However, it is easy to adapt to other datasets by converting your preferred data into the form below:

    "src_id": "your query id",
    "src_query": "query text",
    "tgt_results": [["passage_id", "relevance score"]]

For example,

    "src_id": "39",
    "src_query": "Albedo",
    "tgt_results": [["553658", 6], ["1712206", 3], ["1849020", 1], ["1841381", 0]]


To train, put your data under data/. Specify your training, validation and test data path, your document path (target language), and where to save your result.

You can start training by basic commands:

python \
    --save_dir ckpts/en2zh \
    --target_language zh \
    --train_datapath data/en2zh/en.zh.train.base.jl \
    --val_datapath data/en2zh/ \
    --test_datapath data/en2zh/en.zh.test1.base.jl

You can find other parameter settings in utils/


To test, specify where your checkpoint is and your test data path.

You can start inference by the following commands:

python \
    --resume_path ckpts/en2zh/ \
    --target_language zh \
    --test_datapath data/en2zh/en.zh.test1.base.jl

It will calculate NDCG@1, NDCG@5 and NDCG@10 for you.

Also, it has codes that allow you to perform inference over all documents in your data. You can check them in trainer/ and utils/ Warning: I haven't improved its efficiency, so it will cost huge amounts of time, but feel free to try.