
InterviewSecretary, transforming speech audio into text. 语音转录软件,用于音频文件转成文本文字.

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


InterviewSecretary, transforming speech audio into text. Based on Java 1.8. Speech Engine: iFLYTEK. 语音转录软件,可以把录音音频文件转成文本文字。开发平台:Java 1.8。 语音引擎:科大讯飞语音引擎。


1. 对源代码不感兴趣的小伙伴可以直接下载S2T.zip到本地,解压后使用。
2. 本软件基于Java 1.8开发,可以跨平台使用,使用前请确保已正确安装Java 1.8,并正确设置了环境变量。
3. 本软件的语音引擎使用的是科大讯飞的语音引擎,使用前请确保你已注册科大讯飞语音开放平台账号(官网地址:http://www.xfyun.cn/ ),并按照要求获得app_id和secrect_key,然后在软件中“选项”--“账户设置”中正确设置;
4. 第一次使用时,需要在“选项”中设置默认输出路径和默认中转路径,尽量使路径和文件名都只包含字母和数字。


1. If not interested in the source code, you can just download the file named S2T.zip (S2T means Speech to Text) and unzip to use this software.
2. This software was developed based on Java 1.8. So please make sure that you have installed Java 1.8 and set the environment variables correctly before starting to use.
3. This software use iFLYTEK's speech engine to transcribe the interview audio into text or json file. So before using, please make sure that you have an iFLYTEK account (you can register here: http://global.xfyun.cn/ ) and get the # APP ID # and # Secrec Key #, then you can set the app_id and secrect_key in the softeare's “选项”--“账户设置” option.
4. At the first use, you also need to set the default output path and default swap path in the softeare's “选项” option. And please try to make sure that all the path names and file names only contains numbers and alphabet except for the . for extension names and \ for seperator in path names.