
PCB track join & cap (was Thickness Line)

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Is it possible to implement the thickness of each individual line and not for all?
Using a track is not the same as a thick line.
Best regards

Hi and thanks for the suggestion.
This has already been discussed in the past (see issue #79). Fractional width for PCB tracks are available since version 0.24.6.
Graphically there are no differences between a "line" and a PCB track with the same width apart the dashing and the arrows. You need them for your drawings?
Kind regards,

Hi Pierino,
thank you for your explanation.
I see what you mean. It seems more reasonable to me to let to choose the "join and cap" style for PCB tracks in a future version of FidoCadJ:


(look at the "line style" paragraph)

I'll have a look at it and I leave this issue open for that.

