Georgian College AutoShow Landing Page

The Georgian College Autoshow app is the ultimate guide for auto enthusiasts, providing a complete list of upcoming auto shows and exhibitions in the college. With this Landing Page, you can participate in online games and surveys related to the automotive industry, and stay up-to-date with the latest events. You'll receive notifications about any new events added to the app, so you never miss out on an opportunity to experience the excitement of the auto world. Whether you're a car enthusiast, an industry professional, or simply looking for a fun and informative day out, the Autoshow app has everything you need to stay connected and engaged.


Landing Page

Advanced Usage

Navigate into the theme's root directory. Run npm install and then run npm start which will open up a preview of the template in your default browser, watch for changes to core template files, and live reload the browser when changes are saved. You can view the package.json file to see which scripts are included.

npm Scripts

  • npm run build builds the project - this builds assets, HTML, JS, and CSS into dist
  • npm run build:assets copies the files in the src/assets/ directory into dist
  • npm run build:pug compiles the Pug located in the src/pug/ directory into dist
  • npm run build:scripts brings the src/js/scripts.js file into dist
  • npm run build:scss compiles the SCSS files located in the src/scss/ directory into dist
  • npm run clean deletes the dist directory to prepare for rebuilding the project
  • npm run start:debug runs the project in debug mode
  • npm start or npm run start runs the project, launches a live preview in your default browser, and watches for changes made to files in src

You must have npm installed to use this build environment.


  • Daryl Aranha


Start Bootstrap was created by and is maintained by David Miller.

Start Bootstrap is based on the Bootstrap framework created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thorton.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2013-2022 Start Bootstrap LLC. Code released under the MIT license.