
Easy wrapper around SAP Anywhere api

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

node-sap CircleCI

Note: This repository is no longer under active development

A small wrapper library to easily use SAP Anywhere's API


$ npm install node-sap


Include the following lines at the top of your file, where credentials points to a JSON file containing your SAP API credentials (see example below):

// app.js
var nodeSap = require('node-sap');
var credentials = require('./auth');

var sap = new nodeSap(credentials);

// auth.json
  "client_id": "123456789",
  "client_secret": "123456789",
  "refresh_token": "123456789"

node-sap automatically handles authentication, token expiry and renewal. In case of an error authenticating, the current version will reattempt the authentication request after 1 second and throw an error if the second attempt fails.

Creating resources

For your convenience the module creates resources which have the standard CRUD methods (minus the D, as sap doesn't allow you to delete objects). In order to create a resource, instantiate the module and use the createResource function to return a class which all the methods associated with it. Note that promises are returned from the resource creator. Also added in this module is the ability to cache resources (only applied to findAll method) - by setting the cached option as true you can enable this option, see example below.

Example: Creating a Customer Resource

For example, to instantiate a Customer resource.

var sap = new sapHelper(credentials);
var Customer = sap.createResource("Customers");

Example: Using a resource to create an instance of said resource

.then( function (_id) {
    // do something with id
.catch( function (err) {
    // handle error

Example: finding all resources with email of "example@sap.com"

var filter = "email eq 'example@sap.co'"
.then( function (_id) {
    // do something with id
.catch( function (err) {
    // handle error

List of functions - note that the filter parameter is optional



Customer.findById(id, filter)

Customer.updateById(id, body)

a more extensive list of filters can be found here

Example: caching a resource

Use the stdTTL and checkPeriod in order to set how long you want the cache to last. Please make sure you set cache to true if you want to enable caching.

var Customer = sapHelper.createResource("Customers", {cache:true, stdTTL: 120, checkPeriod: 60});


The module also exposes a public execute method that allows you to send requests to the SAP Anywhere API. The function will automatically fetch an access token based on your credentials.

The execute method takes two parameters, an options object and a callback. The options object can contain the following properties:

  • a request method String (required)
  • an API path String (required)
  • a request parameters Object
  • a request body Object

The execute method passes four arguments to the handler callback:

  • an Error object
  • a data object with the response results
  • a status code integer
  • a headers object

Example: GET request

For example, to fetch a list of all products and expand their skus:

var options = {
  method: 'GET',
  path: '/Products',
  params: {
    expand: 'skus'

sap.execute(options, function(err, data, status, headers) {
  // Asynchronously handle error or success

Example: POST request

For example, to POST a new Customer:

var options = {
  method: 'POST',
  path: '/Customers',
  body: {
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe',
    // ...

sap.execute(options, function(err, data, status, headers) {
  // Asynchronously handle error or success


Versions < 3.1.0

  • Important: versions prior to 3.1.0 do not handle token expiry/renewal and have been deprecated.
  • Only exposed a class-level execute method. Did not support resource creation and convenience methods.

Versions < 3.0.0

  • The module was initialized when importing:
// app.js
var credentials = require('./auth');
var sap = require('node-sap')(credentials);
  • The execute function only returned error and status objects

Versions < 2.0.0

execute() took four parameters instead of two:

  • the request method (as a String)
  • the API path (as a String)
  • request body parameters (as an Object)
  • a handler callback

Versions < 1.0.0

execute() passed three arguments to the handler callback instead of two:

  • An Error object
  • The HTTP response (as JSON)
  • The HTTP body (as JSON)


You must add authentication credentials in order to run end-to-end tests. To do so, modify the testCredentials.json file in the tests/support folder with your SAP API credentials.

# Run unit tests
$ `npm test`

# Run e2e tests
$ `npm run e2e-tests`

NOTE: the end-to-end tests purposefully hit the live SAP API, including POSTING and PATCHING. Please make sure you are using test API credentials.

Tests use the mocha framework, chai for BDD-style assertions, nock for mocking HTTP requests, and sinon for mocks, stubs and spies.