
Simple and fast router for AWS APIGateway using Lambda

Primary LanguageGo


A simple, small and fast router for APIs using Lambda and APIGateway from AWS
Written in GO it helps to easily develop quick APIs.

This library contains a REST optimized API and a plain HTTP API router.
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This library is intended to be used on a Lambda environment, but you can also use it as long as you have a APIGatewayProxyRequest object available and need back a APIGatewayProxyResponse.

Example code for an API on a Lambda:

package main

import (
	api "github.com/dasjott/aws-api-router"

func main() {
	r := api.NewREST()

	r.GET("/myservice/{user}", func(c *context.REST) {
		c.String(200, "Hello "+c.Param("user"))


As the path parameter implies, for registration of a new route simply copy the path from your API Gateway on AWS.


Free to use, wherever you want. Don't claim it as yours and do not sell it.
If you improve or enhance it, provide it as a pull request, so everyone can enjoy.


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Thank you ;-)