IPTables Modul

This module checks the METADATA for iptables rules and applies them. It ensures that the Rules are set after the apply.


To make this bundle work, you need to insert the libs/iptables.py and items/iptables.py to the bw repository. This can be done with this command:

ln -s ../bundles/iptables/libs/iptables.py libs/iptables.py
ln -s ../bundles/iptables/items/iptables.py items/iptables.py


Packages defined in metadata.py and installed via apt-Bundle.

Demo Metadata

'iptables': {
    'check': True,  # these are optional
    'check_port': 22,  # and default to the configured SSH port
    'policies': {
        'filter': {
            'INPUT': 'DROP',
            'OUTPUT': 'DROP',
            'FORWARD': 'DROP',
    'rules': [
        {'chain': 'INPUT', 'table': 'filter', 'input': 'eth0', 'port': '80', 'jump': 'ACCEPT'},
        {'chain': 'INPUT', 'table': 'filter', 'input': 'eth0', 'port': '443', 'jump': 'ACCEPT'},
    'ignored': {
        'chains': [
            {'table': 'filter', 'chain': 'MY_CUSTOM_CHAIN'},
        'rules': [
            {'chain': 'FORWARD', 'table': 'filter', 'jump': 'MY_CUSTOM_CHAIN'},

If you want to add the metadata in another bundle you can use a metadata processor:

def add_iptables_rule(metadata):
    iptables_rules = {}
    if node.has_bundle("iptables"):
        interfaces = ['main_interface']
        interfaces += metadata.get('nginx', {}).get('additional_interfaces', [])

        for interface in interfaces:
            metaiptables_rulesdata += (repo.libs.iptables.accept()

            iptables_rules += (repo.libs.iptables.accept()
        # ignore this chains
        iptables_rules += repo.libs.iptables.jump('MY_CUSTOM_CHAIN').chain('FORWARD').ignore(),
        iptables_rules += repo.libs.iptables.ignore_chain('FORWARD'),
    return iptables_rules