Takeaway coding challenge

Starting the application locally

The application is depending on a running Postgres and RabbitMQ instance. I was using Docker to start both services locally. Please run docker-compose up to start both services.

Please run mvn spring-boot:run to start the application locally. The application will be available under http://localhost:8080

Be aware that there is no configuration of the Rabbit-Queue within the Java Code. If you want to run the application against anything different than the local containers please set those up accordingly e.g. via Terraform.

Running the tests

Please run mvn verify to run the tests.

Be aware that the tests are running TestContainers under the hood, you will need to have a docker environment available.

Tests needing a docker environment are Suffixed with *IT.java

API Documentation


I made a shortcut on the API documentation.

Usually I would prefer APi-first by using Spring-Fox and automatically generated API clients - while the API itself is exposed as an interface and the developer has to implement the interface.

Since we do not have such a project in this environment, I was using Spring-Docs to automatically generate API documentation which you can access after starting the service under http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html

You can find the REST-API definition as well in the api-docs folder.

Messaging API

Messaging API can be found in the api-docs/messaging folder as well. You can view the API specification within https://studio.asyncapi.com/.

This API definition should be compliant for backstage.io documentation hub.


the following configurations are adjustable:

  • 'scheduled.employees-clean-job': We need to delete users having an already ended working contract. This configuration property can be adjusted in order to define the granularity/ timing per job run
  • 'scheduled.outbox': Configuration of the time interval for the outbox scheduler (see outbox pattern for more information)
  • 'messaging.queue-name': Definition of the queue for publishing employee CDC events
  • 'messaging.external-in.contract.queue': name of the queue in order to listen to contract ended events.

Design Considerations and limitations


  • The application consists out of separated layers which are in separated packages.
  • API Package contains everything which goes into the service: REST Requests as well as Messaging.
  • The domain layer is entirely independent of any other layer, all dependencies are pointing towards the domain layer.
  • I made a shortcut from api to persistence layer for the last working day feature since I did not want to pollute the domain layer with this functionality. The domain layer is entirely unaware of this feature.

Considerations on API Behaviour

  • I use Zalando-Problem-Web library for error handling. Therefor, any error suits a dedicated structure
  • I am using Zalando logbook for logging rest requests in order to boost troubleshooting possibilities
  • Deletion of users is idempotent - the external client will never get any feedback weather he passed a valid id or not

Considerations on Scheduling Behaviour

  • I am using several Scheduled Jobs. However I added a lock mechanism to prevent multiple executions of the same job in case of the service could be deployed having more than one instance on the AutoScalingGroup.

Considerations on Testing

  • I did not yet implement BDD Tests. Nevertheless I think they are crucial and if I have enough time this weekend I will add those for regression.
  • Testing can be done entirely isolated. All you need is a docker environment, the rest should be pulled up from the test setup automatically.

Downstream messaging

  • In order to guarantee at least once delivery, I am using RabbitMQ with a dedicated outbox pattern.
  • Events will be published asynchronously via a scheduled job.
  • I was thinking about an Transactional Event Listener in order to trigger event population earlier but from my perspective it will not provide much benefits: In case something goes wrong the event still will need to stay in DB and on next event I would need to fetch it again. This would be fancy to do so but does not bring much value.


  • I did not implement any security features. Usually I would use Spring-Security for this purpose but did not want to ship it with a dedicated auth server
  • I did not add any @Queue beans for the RabbitMQ Listener since I expect creation of queues done in an external devops repository e.g. done by Terraform
  • The application.yaml is designed for a local run. However you can change the configuration by adjusting the variables according to the spring properties chain.
  • I did think about a multimodule maven setup but this would be an overkill for such task at this time.

Framework choices:

  • Liquibase: I am using Liquibase over Flyway because its idempotent regarding the underlying database.