React + Django Application

This application was developed using the React.js library for the frontend and the Django framework for the backend. For data persistence, a connection to a PostgreSQL database is used, which is executed from a Docker container.


  • Node.js (<= 16.x)
  • Python (>= 3.6)
  • Docker (>= 17.x) optional -Django (>= 4.0)


To install this application locally, follow the steps described below:

  1. Clone the application repository: git clone
  2. Enter the application folder: cd react-django-app and within the same run the command python migrate to create the database tables.
  3. Now we go to the folder where the app frontend is located cd ../reactapp and run the npm install command to install the app dependencies.
  4. We add an .env file with the environment variable REACT_APP_URL with the value of the application's backend URL.
  5. After this we execute the command npm run build to generate the static files of the application.
  6. Lastly, we need to run the python runserver command to get the development server started.
  7. Finally we can enter and test the application in the browser.

@author Dasacav3