
a template for sharing types in typescript to both the frontend and backend using Create React App and Node.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript


TypeScript Compilation and Development Workflow

This project is structured into three main parts: shared, frontend, and backend. Each part has its own approach to handling TypeScript, depending on its role in the application.

1. Shared

The shared directory contains shared types and interfaces used by both the frontend and backend.


  • Transpilation: During development, you typically do not run the TypeScript compiler (tsc) directly. Instead, you can make changes to the TypeScript files in the src directory.


  • Compilation: Before using the shared library in the frontend or backend, you need to compile it to JavaScript. To do this, navigate to the shared directory and run:
    npm run build
  • This command will compile the TypeScript files in the src directory and output the compiled files to the dist directory, along with the corresponding .d.ts declaration files.

2. Backend

The backend directory contains the server-side application.


  • Transpilation: For development, you can run the backend using ts-node, which allows you to execute TypeScript files directly without compiling them first. To start the backend in development mode, run:
    npm run dev
  • This command will use ts-node to run the src/index.ts file, allowing for quick iterations and immediate feedback.


  • Compilation: Before deploying the backend, you should compile the TypeScript files to JavaScript. To do this, run:
    npm run build
  • After building, you can start the compiled application using:
    npm start
  • This will run the compiled JavaScript files located in the dist directory.

3. Frontend

The frontend directory contains the client-side application built with React.


  • Transpilation: In development mode, you can run the frontend using:
    npm start
  • This command starts the development server using Create React App (CRA), which handles TypeScript compilation internally. Changes to TypeScript files are reflected immediately in the browser without needing to run a separate build command.


  • Compilation: When you are ready to deploy the frontend application, run:
    npm run build
  • This command compiles the TypeScript files and bundles the application for production, outputting the static files to the build directory.


  • Shared: Compile with npm run build before using in other parts.
  • Backend: Use ts-node for development (npm run dev), compile with npm run build for production, and run with npm start.
  • Frontend: Use npm start for development (CRA handles TypeScript), and compile with npm run build for production.

This workflow allows for efficient development and deployment of TypeScript applications across different parts of the project.

Root Directory Commands

  • npm run build:shared: Build the shared library.
  • npm run dev:backend: Run the backend in development mode.
  • npm run dev:frontend: Run the frontend in development mode.
  • npm run dev:all: Run the backend and frontend in development mode.
  • npm run dev:all-build-shared: Build the shared library and run the backend and frontend in development mode.