
Many times we need to monitor the person/people visiting some place like Seminar hall, conference room or Shopping mall or temple. This project can be used to count and display the number of visitors entering inside any conference room or seminar hall. This is a SMART-POWER-ON/OFF SYSTEM BASED ON VISITOR-ACTIVITY which means it works in a two way. That means counter will be incremented if person enters the room and will be decremented if a person leaves the room.LCD displays this value which is placed outside the room. This system is helpful for counting the number of people in an auditorium or halls for seminar to avoid congestion. Moreover it can also be used to check the number of people who have come to an event or a museum to watch a certain exhibit. Microcontroller Arduino UNO is a reliable circuit that takes over the task of counting the number of persons/ visitors in the room very accurately. We will be showing both in count i.e. number of people entering the room and Out count i.e. number of people exiting the room on a 16x2 LCD display. An IR sensor is used to monitor the person entering and exiting the room. The counter is incremented by one as somebody enters into the room and number of persons is displayed on LCD present in a room. It is done by Arduino UNO. It gets the signals from the sensors and bounces back from the surface of an object and signal is received at the infrared receiver.

The aim of our project is to make a controller which can sense if any person enters the room and it lights and fan up the room automatically and also counts how many person are entering the room or going out of it. It is made to prevent unwanted electric power waste in schools, colleges, offices and houses. This whole process is operated automatically by its sensors. In today’s world, there is a continuous need for automatic appliances. The objective of this project is to make a controller based model to count number of persons visiting particular room and accordingly light and fan up the room automatically. Here we are using sensor and controller to count the no. of persons in the room and display it on LCD. If there is at least 1 person in the room, the LED Or Fan will ON else it will remain OFF.


